QML Enumeration List

See also QML Type List.

Enums.AddRastersParametersType enumeration

Enumerates the AddRastersParametersType used in a mosaic dataset raster.

Enums.AnalysisType enumeration

Enumerates possible analysis types.

Enums.AngularUnitId enumeration

Enumerates types of angular units.

Enums.AnimationCurve enumeration

Control how a the map view is moved between positions.

Enums.AntialiasingMode enumeration

Enumerates the antialiasing mode for drawing items in the map.

Enums.ArcGISFeatureLayerInfoServiceType enumeration

Enumerates the types of the datasets underlying an ArcGISFeatureLayerInfo.

Enums.ArcGISMapServiceSublayerType enumeration

Enumerates types of map service sublayers.

Enums.ArcGISSublayerType enumeration

Enumerates types of ArcGIS Sublayers.

Enums.ArcadeExpressionReturnType enumeration

The expected type of the result calculated by an expression described within an ArcadeExpression.

Enums.ArcadeProfile enumeration

The execution context a script will run under.

Enums.AreaUnitId enumeration

Enumerates types of area units.

Enums.AspectRatioMode enumeration

Enumerates the aspect ratio mode used.

Enums.AtmosphereEffect enumeration

Enumerates possible ways to add an atmosphere display effect to a scene view.

Enums.AttachmentSyncDirection enumeration

Enumerates sync direction of attachments.

Enums.AttributeUnit enumeration

Enumerates the type of units for network attributes.

Enums.AuthenticationChallengeType enumeration

Enumerates types of authentication challenges.

Enums.AuthenticationType enumeration

Enumerates types of authentication.

Enums.BarrierType enumeration

Enumerates the type of barrier for a route.

Enums.BasemapStyle enumeration

The list of basemap styles.

Enums.BingMapsLayerStyle enumeration

Enumerates the types of layer styles for a Bing Maps layer.

Enums.CacheStorageFormat enumeration

The storage format of a tile cache.

Enums.CameraControllerType enumeration

Enumerates possible types of camera controller.

Enums.ContingencyConstraintViolationType enumeration

The different types of contingency constraint violations.

Enums.ContingentValueType enumeration

The different types of contingent values.

Enums.CurbApproach enumeration

Enumerates the side of street for arrivals or departures of a route.

Enums.DatumTransformationType enumeration

Supported datum transformation types.

Enums.DestinationStatus enumeration

Enumerates possible navigation destination statuses.

Enums.DestinationTableRowFilter enumeration

Indicates whether tables will contain all rows or can be filtered to a smaller set of related rows.

Enums.DeviceOrientation enumeration

Describes the rotation of the device.

Enums.DirectionManeuverType enumeration

Enumerates the types of direction maneuvers on a route.

Enums.DirectionMessageType enumeration

Enumerates the types of direction messages on a route.

Enums.DirectionsStyle enumeration

Enumerates the style of directions.

Enums.DisplayFilterDefinitionType enumeration

The different types of available display filter definitions.

Enums.DisplayFilterType enumeration

The different types of available display filters.

Enums.DomainDescriptionType enumeration

An enumeration of DomainDescription types.

Enums.DomainType enumeration

Enumerates the type of domain.

Enums.DrawStatus enumeration

Enumerates possible status of a draw operation.

Enums.DrawingTool enumeration

Enumerates the drawing tool that could be used to draw a feature in an editing application.

Enums.EditOperation enumeration

Enumerates types of feature dataset edit operations.

Enums.EditResultType enumeration

Enumerates types of editing results.

Enums.ElevationSourceType enumeration

Enumerates possible elevation source types.

Enums.EncAreaSymbolizationType enumeration

The list of area features symbolization settings.

Enums.EncColorScheme enumeration

A switch between S-52 color schemes.

Enums.EncDisplayDepthUnits enumeration

A switch between units for depth.

Enums.EncPointSymbolizationType enumeration

The list of point features symbolization settings.

Enums.ErrorDomainType enumeration

Enumerates the error domain.

Enums.ErrorType enumeration

The list of possible generic errors.

Enums.EsriVectorTilesDownloadOption enumeration

Enumerates options for downloading an Esri vector tiled basemap service.

Enums.ExpirationType enumeration

Enumerates the possible types of package expiration.

Enums.ExtendedErrorType enumeration

Enumerates extended error type.

Enums.ExtrusionMode enumeration

Enumerates possible extrusion modes.

Enums.FeatureObjectType enumeration

Enumerates feature object types.

Enums.FeatureRenderingMode enumeration

Enumerates types of rendering modes available for the FeatureLayer.

Enums.FeatureRequestMode enumeration

Enumerates feature request modes for the feature table.

Enums.FeatureServiceSessionType enumeration

An enumeration of the session types that control how multiple users access branch versioned data.

Enums.FeatureTableType enumeration

Enumerates feature table types.

Enums.FeatureTilingMode enumeration

Feature tiling modes available to feature layers. This determines whether or not to use feature tiling (if a service supports it). Using the default mode is highly recommended. As of now, only services based on service feature tables use feature tiling.

Enums.FeatureTypeChangeMode enumeration

Enumerates the feature type change modes in a Popup.

Enums.FenceEnterExitSpatialRelationship enumeration

The spatial relationship that determines when a fence has been entered or exited.

Enums.FenceGeotriggerFeedAccuracyMode enumeration

Options that describe how a FenceGeotrigger uses accuracy information from a GeotriggerFeed.

Enums.FenceNotificationType enumeration

The type of a FenceGeotrigger that was met.

Enums.FenceParametersType enumeration

The type of a FenceParameters object.

Enums.FenceRuleType enumeration

The rule or query that determines whether a FenceGeotrigger condition is met.

Enums.FieldType enumeration

Enumerates the type of value stored in a field.

Enums.FontDecoration enumeration

Enumerates various font decorations that can be applied to text symbols.

Enums.FontStyle enumeration

Enumerates various styles that can be applied to the font of a text symbol.

Enums.FontWeight enumeration

Enumerates the weight applied to the font of a text symbol.

Enums.GarsConversionMode enumeration

Enumerates possible locations of a point relative to a GARS cell.

Enums.GenerateLayerQueryOption enumeration

Enumerates generate layer query options.

Enums.GenerateOfflineMapUpdateMode enumeration

Different modes for synchronization of features in a generated offline map.

Enums.GeoViewType enumeration

Enumerates types of GeoView.

Enums.GeodatabaseDatasetType enumeration

Enumerates geodatabase dataset types.

Enums.GeodeticCurveType enumeration

Enumerates types of geodetic curves for use in geodetic GeometryEngine operations.

Enums.GeometricEffectType enumeration

Enumerates the type of geometric effect stored in a GeometricEffect object.

Enums.GeometryBuilderType enumeration

Enumerates types of geometry that may be represented by a GeometryBuilder.

Enums.GeometryExtendOptions enumeration

Enumerates options that the GeometryEngine's extend() method should use.

Enums.GeometryOffsetType enumeration

Enumerates types of geometry offsets used in GeometryEngine's offset method.

Enums.GeometryType enumeration

Enumerates types of geometry that may be represented by a Geometry.

Enums.GeoprocessingExecutionType enumeration

Enumerates types of geoprocessing execution modes.

Enums.GeoprocessingLinearUnits enumeration

Enumerates types of geoprocessing linear units.

Enums.GeoprocessingParameterDirection enumeration

Enumerates types of geoprocessing parameter directions.

Enums.GeoprocessingParameterType enumeration

Enumerates types of geoprocessing parameters.

Enums.GeotriggerFeedType enumeration

The type of a GeotriggerFeed object.

Enums.GeotriggerMonitorStatus enumeration

The current status of a GeotriggerMonitor.

Enums.GeotriggerNotificationInfoType enumeration

The type of a GeotriggerNotificationInfo object.

Enums.GeotriggerType enumeration

The type of a Geotrigger object.

Enums.GraphicsRenderingMode enumeration

Enumerates rendering modes available for the GraphicsOverlay.

Enums.GridLabelPosition enumeration

Enumerates the label positioning options for the ArcGISGrid in the MapView.

Enums.GridType enumeration

Enumerates the grid types that can be used in the MapView.

Enums.GroupVisibilityMode enumeration

Enumerates the visibility modes on a group layer.

Enums.HorizontalAlignment enumeration

Enumerates the text's horizontal alignment relative to the symbol's point coordinate.

Enums.IdInfoType enumeration

Enumerates the type of IdInfo.

Enums.ItemType enumeration

Enumerates type of item.

Enums.JobMessageSeverity enumeration

Enumerates the different levels of severity of a job message.

Enums.JobMessageSource enumeration

Enumerates the origin of a job message.

Enums.JobStatus enumeration

Enumerates the status of an instance of a Job.

Enums.JobType enumeration

Enumerates the type of an instance of a Job.

Enums.JoinType enumeration

Enumerates join types of a TableJoinSublayerSource.

Enums.KmlAltitudeMode enumeration

Enumerates the KML altitude modes.

Enums.KmlColorMode enumeration

Enumerates the KML color modes.

Enums.KmlDatasetEventType enumeration

Enumerates the types of KML events.

Enums.KmlGeometryType enumeration

Enumerates the types of KML geometry.

Enums.KmlGraphicType enumeration

Enumerates the types of KML graphics.

Enums.KmlListItemType enumeration

Enumerates the types of KML list item. This information is used to determine how a KML node is displayed in a list view.

Enums.KmlNodeType enumeration

Enumerates the types of KML nodes.

Enums.KmlRefreshMode enumeration

Enumerates types of KML refresh mode.

Enums.KmlRefreshStatus enumeration

Enumerates types of KML refresh status.

Enums.KmlTourStatus enumeration

Enumerates types of KML tour status.

Enums.KmlUnitsType enumeration

A KML units type object.

Enums.KmlViewRefreshMode enumeration

Enumerates types of KML view refresh mode.

Enums.KmlViewpointType enumeration

Enumerates the types of KML viewpoints.

Enums.LabelAngleRotationType enumeration

How the placement angle should be interpreted.

Enums.LabelBarrierWeight enumeration

The weight of features when considered as barriers to labeling.

Enums.LabelDeconflictionStrategy enumeration

The strategy for moving labels to avoid overlapping point symbols or higher-priority labels.

Enums.LabelExpressionType enumeration

The type of the label expression.

Enums.LabelLineConnection enumeration

The strategy for whether line features with the same label, and matching end vertices, should be joined before sharing a label.

Enums.LabelMultipartStrategy enumeration

The strategy for the number of labels to be placed on a multi-part feature.

Enums.LabelOverlapStrategy enumeration

The strategy for whether another label is allowed to be placed over this feature or label.

Enums.LabelOverrunStrategy enumeration

The strategy for whether a label should be visible at viewing scales where the feature is too small for the label to fit.

Enums.LabelRemoveDuplicatesStrategy enumeration

The strategy for whether labels should be removed if they have the same text as other labels, to reduce clutter and free up space.

Enums.LabelRepeatStrategy enumeration

The strategy for whether a label should have multiple copies created and placed along or across the same feature.

Enums.LabelStackAlignment enumeration

The strategy for how multi-row (stacked) text should be horizontally aligned.

Enums.LabelStackBreakPosition enumeration

The strategy for whether a row of text should be broken before or after it exceeds the ideal length.

Enums.LabelStackSeparatorBreakPosition enumeration

The position where the separator character in a label will be written, if used.

Enums.LabelStackStrategy enumeration

The strategy for whether the text should be stacked or wrapped, rather than place long trailing labels across the map.

Enums.LabelTextLayout enumeration

The layout to use for label text, which can be either horizontal, straight, perpendicular, or follow the line feature.

Enums.LabelTextOrientation enumeration

The orientation of label text.

Enums.LabelingPlacement enumeration

Enumerates the placement of a label in relation to a geometry.

Enums.LatitudeLongitudeFormat enumeration

Supported formats for representing latitude-longitude geographic coordinates as a string.

Enums.LatitudeLongitudeGridLabelFormat enumeration

Enumerates the possible formats for Latitude-Longitude values used in grid labels.

Enums.LayerType enumeration

Enumerates types of map layers.

Enums.LayerViewStatus enumeration

The status of a layer in the GeoView.

Enums.LicenseLevel enumeration

Enumerates the level of licensing used.

Enums.LicenseStatus enumeration

Enumerates the license status of a Runtime license.

Enums.LicenseType enumeration

Enumerates the license type of a Runtime license.

Enums.LightingMode enumeration

Enumerates possible ways to add a lighting mode (sunlit/dark) to a scene view.

Enums.LineOfSightTargetVisibility enumeration

Enumerates the visibility state between an observer and target in a line of sight analysis.

Enums.LinearUnitId enumeration

Enumerates types of linear units.

Enums.LoadStatus enumeration

Enumerates possible load status for a layer or other resource.

Enums.LocalItemType enumeration

Enumerates different types local items.

Enums.LocationDataSourceStatus enumeration

The list of possible LocationDataSource statuses.

Enums.LocationDisplayAutoPanMode enumeration

Enumerates types of auto panning with LocationDisplay.

Enums.LocationStatus enumeration

Enumerates the status regarding the network location associated with a stop.

Enums.LocationType enumeration

The list of Location types.

Enums.LocatorAttributeType enumeration

Enumerates different types of a LocatorAttribute.

Enums.LoginType enumeration

Supported login types for portal.

Enums.MGRSGridLabelUnit enumeration

Enumerates units for displaying values in the MGRSGrid.

Enums.MapServiceImageFormat enumeration

Enumerates image formats, the method for encoding a raster image, for images from a map service.

Enums.MgrsConversionMode enumeration

Enumerates the lettering scheme and treatment of coordinates at 180 degrees longitude when converting MGRS.

Enums.MosaicMethod enumeration

Enumerates mosaic method types.

Enums.MosaicOperation enumeration

Enumerates mosaic method types.

Enums.NavigationConstraint enumeration

Enumerates navigation constraint options that are based on surface elevation.

Enums.NetworkCachePolicy enumeration

Enumerates the cache behavior for requests.

Enums.NetworkDirectionsSupport enumeration

Enumerates the type of direction support.

Enums.NmeaAccuracyType enumeration

The list of NMEA accuracy types.

Enums.NmeaFixType enumeration

The list of NMEA fix types.

Enums.NmeaGnssSystem enumeration

Enumeration of supported GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) systems.

Enums.NoDataTileBehavior enumeration

Enumerates the ways an ImageTiledLayer should treat NoData tiles.

Enums.OAuthMode enumeration

Enumerates the OAuth authentication modes.

Enums.OfflineMapParametersType enumeration

Enumerates the type of parameters object used to take layers offline.

Enums.OfflineUpdateAvailability enumeration

Enumerates whether offline data has updates, has no updates, or that the availability of updates cannot be determined.

Enums.OgcAxisOrder enumeration

Enumerates the different ways to treat the x/y coordinates order.

Enums.OnlineOnlyServicesOption enumeration

Enumerates the possible options for dealing with online-only services (those which cannot be taken offline).

Enums.PansharpenType enumeration

Enumerates various types of pan-sharpening for use in a RasterRenderer.

Enums.PixelType enumeration

Enumerates various pixel types.

Enums.PopupAttachmentEditState enumeration

Enumerates the attachment edit state of the Popup.

Enums.PopupAttachmentType enumeration

Enumerates the type of attachment in the Popup.

Enums.PopupAttachmentsDisplayType enumeration

Indicates how to display the attachments. If `list` is specified, attachments show as links. If `preview` is specified, attachments expand to the width of the pop-up. Setting the value to `auto` allows applications to choose the most suitable default experience for their application.

Enums.PopupDateFormat enumeration

Enumerates the date format for a Popup.

Enums.PopupElementType enumeration

Enumerates the types PopupElement.

Enums.PopupErrorCode enumeration

Enumerates the error codes in a Popup.

Enums.PopupExpressionReturnType enumeration

Enumerates the type of the result returned by an Arcade expression.

Enums.PopupMediaType enumeration

Enumerates the type of media in a Popup.

Enums.PopupStringFieldOption enumeration

Enumerates the string field options in a Popup.

Enums.PortalAccess enumeration

Enumerates types of user access to items in a portal.

Enums.PortalFileType enumeration

Enumerates types of files that can be items in a portal.

Enums.PortalGroupSortField enumeration

Enumerates fields to sort by.

Enums.PortalItemType enumeration

Enumerates types of items that may be stored in a portal.

Enums.PortalMode enumeration

Enumerates whether the portal is operating in multi-tenant or single-tenant mode.

Enums.PortalPrivilegeRealm enumeration

Enumerates the types of privilege realms available for a portal.

Enums.PortalPrivilegeRole enumeration

Enumerates the types of privileges available for a portal.

Enums.PortalPrivilegeSubtype enumeration

Enumerates the particular type of operation a privilege permits.

Enums.PortalPrivilegeType enumeration

Enumerates the particular type of operation a privilege permits.

Enums.PortalQuerySortOrder enumeration

Enumerates sort order for returned results.

Enums.PortalUserRole enumeration

Enumerates portal user roles.

Enums.PreplannedPackagingStatus enumeration

Enumerates the different packaging states that an online PreplannedMapArea can be in.

Enums.PreplannedScheduledUpdatesOption enumeration

Enumerates options for downloading read-only preplanned updates from an online map area.

Enums.PreplannedUpdateMode enumeration

Different modes for how updates are obtained for a preplanned offline map area.

Enums.QueryFeatureFields enumeration

Enumerates query feature fields types.

Enums.RasterRendererType enumeration

Enumerates various types of raster renderers.

Enums.RasterType enumeration

Enumerates various types of rasters.

Enums.RelationshipCardinality enumeration

Enumerates relationship cardinality.

Enums.RelationshipConstraintViolationType enumeration

Enumerates the type of constraint violation for a given feature participating in a relationship.

Enums.RelationshipRole enumeration

Enumerates relationship roles.

Enums.RendererClassificationMethod enumeration

Enumerates the type of classification methods used to generate class breaks.

Enums.RendererNormalizationType enumeration

Enumerates the type of normalization used in a class breaks renderer.

Enums.RendererType enumeration

Enumerates the type of renderer.

Enums.ReroutingStrategy enumeration

Enumerates possible navigation rerouting strategies.

Enums.ReturnLayerAttachmentOption enumeration

Enumerates the type of layers we wish to include attachments with when taking feature layers offline.

Enums.RotationType enumeration

Enumerates the type of rotation applied to symbols.

Enums.RouteShapeType enumeration

Enumerates the output shape type for a route.

Enums.SceneLayerDataType enumeration

Identifies data type contained within a scene layer.

Enums.SceneLocationVisibility enumeration

Enumerates the visibility of a scene location.

Enums.SceneSymbolAnchorPosition enumeration

Enumerates the anchor position for scene symbols.

Enums.SceneViewTilingScheme enumeration

Enumerates the options for setting the tiling scheme of a Scene.

Enums.SegmentType enumeration

The different types of segments.

Enums.SelectionMode enumeration

Enumerates the modes used for selecting features.

Enums.ServiceAreaOverlapGeometry enumeration

Enumerates the behavior of service area output from multiple facilities in relation to one another.

Enums.ServiceAreaPolygonCutoffGeometry enumeration

Enumerates the behavior of service area output for a single facility when multiple cutoff values are specified.

Enums.ServiceAreaPolygonDetail enumeration

Enumerates the level of detail of the output polygons.

Enums.ServiceCurveGeometryMode enumeration

How curve geometries are fetched from and sent to services that support curves.

Enums.ServiceType enumeration

Enumerates the type of ArcGIS service.

Enums.SimpleFillSymbolStyle enumeration

Enumerates the fill style for simple fill symbols.

Enums.SimpleLineSymbolMarkerPlacement enumeration

Enumerates the locations an Enums.SimpleLineSymbolMarkerStyle can be applied to a SimpleLineSymbol.

Enums.SimpleLineSymbolMarkerStyle enumeration

Enumerates the type of marker styles which can be applied to the ends of a SimpleLineSymbol.

Enums.SimpleLineSymbolStyle enumeration

Enumerates the line style for simple line symbols.

Enums.SimpleMarkerSceneSymbolStyle enumeration

Enumerates the marker style for simple scene marker symbols.

Enums.SimpleMarkerSymbolStyle enumeration

Enumerates the marker style for simple marker symbols.

Enums.SketchCreationMode enumeration

Enumerates the type of geometry and how it will be created by the SketchEditor.

Enums.SketchResizeMode enumeration

Describes how geometry is resized to fill its allocated space while editing geometry.

Enums.SketchVertexEditMode enumeration

Describes how vertices respond to user interaction.

Enums.SlopeType enumeration

Enumerates various slope types.

Enums.SortOrder enumeration

Enumerates possible values for sort direction.

Enums.SpaceEffect enumeration

Enumerates whether outer space is black with stars or transparent.

Enums.SpatialRelationship enumeration

Enumerates different types of spatial relationships between geometries that can be tested for.

Enums.StartTimeUsage enumeration

Enumerates the start time usage types.

Enums.StatisticType enumeration

An enumeration that represents the various statistics that can be calculated for values in a field in a table.

Enums.StopType enumeration

Enumerates types of stops that can be in routes.

Enums.StretchParametersType enumeration

Enumerates the StretchParametersType used in a raster renderer.

Enums.StrokeSymbolLayerCapStyle enumeration

Enumerates the list of possible cap styles.

Enums.StrokeSymbolLayerLineStyle3D enumeration

Enumerates the type of line styles in a StrokeSymbolLayer.

Enums.SublayerSourceType enumeration

Enumerates the types of sublayer sources.

Enums.SubscriptionState enumeration

Enumerates the state of the user's subscription.

Enums.SurfacePlacement enumeration

Enumerates possible ways to add a surface placement of a feature on a scene view.

Enums.SymbolAnchorPlacementMode enumeration

Enumerates the type of placement modes in a SymbolAnchor.

Enums.SymbolAngleAlignment enumeration

Enumerates whether the rotation of a marker symbol is relative to the map or the screen.

Enums.SymbolLayerType enumeration

Enumerates the type of symbol layer stored in a SymbolLayer object.

Enums.SymbolSizeUnits enumeration

The list of possible size units for symbols.

Enums.SymbolStyleType enumeration

Enumerates the type of SymbolStyle.

Enums.SymbolType enumeration

Enumerates the type of symbol stored in a Symbol object.

Enums.SyncDirection enumeration

Enumerates sync direction of features.

Enums.SyncModel enumeration

Enumerates sync model.

Enums.TaskStatus enumeration

Enumerates different async task statuses.

Enums.TextAntialiasingMode enumeration

Enumerates the antialiasing mode for drawing text in the map.

Enums.TileImageFormat enumeration

Enumerates image formats, the method for encoding a raster image, for images from a map tile source.

Enums.TimeRelation enumeration

Enumerates the time relation.

Enums.TimeUnit enumeration

Enumerates time units.

Enums.TravelDirection enumeration

Enumerates travel direction for closest facilty and service area tasks.

Enums.USNGGridLabelUnit enumeration

Enumerates units for displaying values in the USNGGrid.

Enums.UTurnPolicy enumeration

Enumerates the type of backtracking allowed via U-turns in a network.

Enums.UnitSystem enumeration

Enumerates the unit system.

Enums.UnitType enumeration

Enumerates types of units represented by an instance of a Unit type.

Enums.UtilityAssociationDeletionSemantics enumeration

An enumeration of various association deletion behaviors.

Enums.UtilityAssociationRole enumeration

Enumerates the various association roles.

Enums.UtilityAssociationType enumeration

Enumerates the various association types.

Enums.UtilityAttributeComparisonOperator enumeration

Enumerates the various comparison operators for utility attributes.

Enums.UtilityCategoryComparisonOperator enumeration

An enumeration of the various types of operators to use when evaluating the existence of a UtilityCategory on a network feature.

Enums.UtilityMinimumStartingLocations enumeration

An enumeration of the various types of minimum starting locations used in UtilityTraceParameters.

Enums.UtilityNetworkAttributeDataType enumeration

Enumerates the various network attribute data types.

Enums.UtilityNetworkSourceType enumeration

Enumerates the various utility network source types.

Enums.UtilityNetworkSourceUsageType enumeration

Enumerates the various network source usage types.

Enums.UtilityPropagatorFunctionType enumeration

Enumerates the utility propagator function types.

Enums.UtilitySubnetworkControllerType enumeration

Enumerates the type of subnetwork controllers that are supported by a domain network.

Enums.UtilityTerminalDirectionality enumeration

An enumeration of the directionality setting of terminals on a device.

Enums.UtilityTierTopologyType enumeration

Enumerates the type of topology that makes up a UtilityTier definition.

Enums.UtilityTierType enumeration

Enumerates the type of topology that makes up a UtilityTier definition.

Enums.UtilityTraceConditionType enumeration

Enumerates the concrete type of a Utility Network trace condition.

Enums.UtilityTraceFunctionType enumeration

Enumerates the type of function calculation to perform.

Enums.UtilityTraceResultObjectType enumeration

Enumerates the subclasses of UtilityTraceResult.

Enums.UtilityTraceResultType enumeration

An enumeration of the result types returned by a trace operation.

Enums.UtilityTraceType enumeration

Enumerates the various types of traces that may be performed with a utility network.

Enums.UtilityTraversabilityScope enumeration

Enumerates whether traversability criteria are applied to junctions, edges, or both.

Enums.UtmConversionMode enumeration

Enumerates types of latitude designation in UTM notation.

Enums.VersionAccess enumeration

The access permissions of a version in a branch-versioned service.

Enums.VerticalAlignment enumeration

Enumerates the text's vertical alignment relative to the symbol's point coordinate.

Enums.ViewpointType enumeration

Enumerates types of Viewpoints for a MapView.

Enums.VoiceGuidanceType enumeration

Enumerates possible navigation voice guidance types.

Enums.WmsVersion enumeration

Enumerates the versions of a WMS service.

Enums.WrapAroundMode enumeration

Enumerates options for whether the map will display east-west wrap-around.

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Learn more about these changes in the What's new in Esri Developers June 2024 blog post.
