Enums.FenceGeotriggerFeedAccuracyMode enumeration

This enumeration defines options for using accuracy information from a GeotriggerFeed to provide the Geometry for checking a Geotrigger condition. In particular, you can choose how to use the Location::horizontalAccuracy property to reflect the uncertainty around a fixed Location::position. Due to various factors, GPS positions may be inaccurate, with Location::horizontalAccuracy representing a radius that defines the area containing the actual location. Spurious notifications may occur when the Location::position is inaccurate and is incorrectly reported as inside or outside of a fence. You can use the Location::horizontalAccuracy to account for that uncertainty.

These values are used in conjunction with FenceGeotrigger::enterExitSpatialRelationship to affect when notifications are sent.

The FenceGeotriggerFeedAccuracyMode can be one of:

Enums.FenceGeotriggerFeedAccuracyModeUseGeometry(0) The reported Geometry from a GeotriggerFeed is used. For a LocationGeotriggerFeed the point geometry from the Location::position property is used.
Enums.FenceGeotriggerFeedAccuracyModeUseGeometryWithAccuracy(1) The reported Geometry from a GeotriggerFeed is used in conjunction with accuracy information. For a LocationGeotriggerFeed the point geometry from the Location::position property is buffered by the Location::horizontalAccuracy to produce a polygon geometry.

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