Enums.LabelRemoveDuplicatesStrategy enumeration

The LabelRemoveDuplicatesStrategy can be one of:

Enums.LabelRemoveDuplicatesStrategyAutomatic(0) The default approach to duplicate labels to is keep them (Enums.LabelRemoveDuplicatesStrategyNone). This value corresponds to no value being specified for a LabelDefinition::removeDuplicatesStrategy property.
Enums.LabelRemoveDuplicatesStrategyAll(1) Remove nearby duplicate labels. The distance within which to look for duplicates is controlled by LabelDefinition::removeDuplicatesDistance.
Enums.LabelRemoveDuplicatesStrategyFeatureType(2) Remove nearby duplicate labels, if they belong to the same Feature Type. Two features are considered the same type if they are both point features, both line features or both polygon features. The distance within which to look for duplicates is controlled by LabelDefinition::removeDuplicatesDistance.
Enums.LabelRemoveDuplicatesStrategyLabelClass(3) Remove nearby duplicate labels, if they below to the same Label Class. Two labels are considered the same Label Class if they are both created from the same LabelDefinition. The distance within which to look for duplicates is controlled by LabelDefinition::removeDuplicatesDistance.
Enums.LabelRemoveDuplicatesStrategyNone(4) No duplicates should be removed. Place all labels on the map, regardless of duplicates.

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