The PortalPrivilegeSubtype can be one of:
Constant | Description |
Enums.PortalPrivilegeSubtypeUnknown | (-1) An unknown portal privilege subtype. |
Enums.PortalPrivilegeSubtypeNone | (0) The privilege does not relate to a fine-grained operation. |
Enums.PortalPrivilegeSubtypeStored | (1) Grants the ability to perform geocode operations and store the results, in a database for instance. |
Enums.PortalPrivilegeSubtypeTemporary | (2) Grants the ability to perform geocode operations in which the results are not stored. |
Enums.PortalPrivilegeSubtypeClosestFacility | (3) Grants the ability to perform closest facility tasks. |
Enums.PortalPrivilegeSubtypeLocationAllocation | (4) Grants the ability to perform location-allocation tasks. |
Enums.PortalPrivilegeSubtypeOptimizedRouting | (5) Grants the ability to perform optimized routing tasks. |
Enums.PortalPrivilegeSubtypeOriginDestinationCostMatrix | (6) Grants the ability to perform origin-destination cost matrix tasks. |
Enums.PortalPrivilegeSubtypeRouting | (7) Grants the ability to perform simple routing tasks. |
Enums.PortalPrivilegeSubtypeServiceArea | (8) Grants the ability to perform service area tasks. |
Enums.PortalPrivilegeSubtypeVehicleRouting | (9) Grants the ability to perform vehicle routing tasks. |