Enums.LabelingPlacement enumeration

The LabelingPlacement can be one of:

Enums.LabelingPlacementAutomatic(-2) Default position for the label, dependent on the type of feature being labeled.
Enums.LabelingPlacementUnknown(-1) Preferred placement position has not been specified.
Enums.LabelingPlacementLineAboveAfter(0) Lower-left corner of label is at final geometry coordinate; label extrapolates the last geometry segment.
Enums.LabelingPlacementLineAboveAlong(1) Lower midpoint of label prefers the midpoint of the geometry; label follows the geometry segments.
Enums.LabelingPlacementLineAboveBefore(2) Lower right corner of label is at first geometry coordinate; label extrapolates the first geometry segment.
Enums.LabelingPlacementLineAboveEnd(3) Lower right corner of label is at final geometry coordinate; label follows the last geometry segments.
Enums.LabelingPlacementLineAboveStart(4) Lower left corner of label is at first geometry coordinate, label follows the first geometry segments.
Enums.LabelingPlacementLineBelowAfter(5) Upper left corner of label is at final geometry coordinate, label extrapolates the last geometry segment.
Enums.LabelingPlacementLineBelowAlong(6) Upper midpoint of label prefers the midpoint of the geometry, label follows the geometry segments.
Enums.LabelingPlacementLineBelowBefore(7) Upper right corner of label is at first geometry coordinate, label extrapolates the first geometry segment.
Enums.LabelingPlacementLineBelowEnd(8) Upper right corner of label is at final geometry coordinate, label follows the last geometry segments.
Enums.LabelingPlacementLineBelowStart(9) Upper left corner of label is at first geometry coordinate, label follows the first geometry segments.
Enums.LabelingPlacementLineCenterAfter(10) Left midpoint of label is at final geometry coordinate, label extrapolates the last geometry segment.
Enums.LabelingPlacementLineCenterAlong(11) Center of label prefers the midpoint of the geometry, label follows the geometry segments.
Enums.LabelingPlacementLineCenterBefore(12) Right midpoint of label is at first geometry coordinate, label extrapolates the first geometry segment.
Enums.LabelingPlacementLineCenterEnd(13) Right midpoint of label is at final geometry coordinate, label follows the last geometry segments.
Enums.LabelingPlacementLineCenterStart(14) Left midpoint of label is at first geometry coordinate, label follows the first geometry segments.
Enums.LabelingPlacementPointAboveCenter(15) Lower midpoint of label is offset north of point symbol.
Enums.LabelingPlacementPointAboveLeft(16) Lower-right corner of the label is offset northwest of point symbol.
Enums.LabelingPlacementPointAboveRight(17) Lower left corner of the label is offset northeast of point symbol.
Enums.LabelingPlacementPointBelowCenter(18) Upper midpoint of label is offset south of point symbol.
Enums.LabelingPlacementPointBelowLeft(19) Upper right corner of the label is offset southwest of point symbol.
Enums.LabelingPlacementPointBelowRight(20) Upper left corner of the label is offset southeast of point symbol.
Enums.LabelingPlacementPointCenterCenter(21) Center of label is placed on geometry point.
Enums.LabelingPlacementPointCenterLeft(22) Right midpoint of label is offset west of point symbol.
Enums.LabelingPlacementPointCenterRight(23) Left midpoint of label is offset east of point symbol.
Enums.LabelingPlacementPolygonAlwaysHorizontal(24) Center of label is as far inside polygon as possible.

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