Enums.UtilityTraceConditionType enumeration

UtilityTraceConditionType can be one of:

Enums.UtilityTraceConditionTypeUtilityNetworkAttributeComparison(0) A condition comparing one network attribute directly to another.
Enums.UtilityTraceConditionTypUtilityCategoryComparisone(1) This value is obsolete since 100.8, use Enums.UtilityTraceConditionTypeUtilityCategoryComparison.
Enums.UtilityTraceConditionTypeUtilityCategoryComparison(1) A condition evaluating whether a network category exists on a node.
Enums.UtilityTraceConditionTypeUtilityTraceAndCondition(2) A logical "AND" join of two sub-conditions.
Enums.UtilityTraceConditionTypeUtilityTraceOrCondition(3) A logical "OR" join of two sub-conditions.

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