Enums.LabelMultipartStrategy enumeration

The LabelMultipartStrategy can be one of:

Enums.LabelMultipartStrategyAutomatic(0) Labeling will use the default distribution of labels across multi-part features. This depends on Feature type: - Polygon labels will use Enums.LabelMultipartStrategyLabelLargest - Point and Line labels will use Enums.LabelMultipartStrategyLabelPerPart.
Enums.LabelMultipartStrategyLabelLargest(1) If a feature consists of multiple parts, only the largest one will be assigned a label. If a line feature consists of multiple part geometries, or a polygon feature consists of multiple ring geometries, only the largest one will be assigned a label.
Enums.LabelMultipartStrategyLabelPerFeature(2) One label per feature, but not supported yet in runtime. The intended use is to place one label to represent each feature, even if the feature is made up of multiple parts, e.g. placing a single label at the center of a group of point parts, not necessarily at the position of any individual part.
Enums.LabelMultipartStrategyLabelPerPart(3) If a feature consists of multiple geometries, each geometry will be assigned a label. If a line feature consists of multiple line geometries, or a polygon feature consists of multiple ring geometries, each geometry will be assigned a label.
Enums.LabelMultipartStrategyLabelPerSegment(4) One label per segment, but not supported yet in runtime. The intended use is to place a label on each segment of each line geometry.

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