Enums.MosaicOperation enumeration

The mosaic operation is used to define how overlapping cells from various rasters in a mosaic dataset will be resolved in the mosaicked image. The MosaicOperation can be one of:

Enums.MosaicOperationFirst(0) First. The overlapping areas will contain the cells from the first raster dataset listed in the mosaic dataset.
Enums.MosaicOperationLast(1) Last. The overlapping areas will contain the cells from the last raster dataset listed in the mosaic dataset.
Enums.MosaicOperationMin(2) Min. The overlapping areas will contain the minimum cell values from all the overlapping cells.
Enums.MosaicOperationMax(3) Max. The overlapping areas will contain the maximum cell values from all the overlapping cells.
Enums.MosaicOperationMean(4) Mean. The overlapping areas will contain the mean cell values from all the overlapping cells.
Enums.MosaicOperationBlend(5) Blend. The overlapping areas will be a blend of the cell values that overlap; this blend value relies on an algorithm that is weight based and dependent on the distance from the cells to the edge within the overlapping area.
Enums.MosaicOperationSum(6) Sum.

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