Enums.LocationDisplayAutoPanMode enumeration

The LocationDisplayAutoPanMode can be one of:

Enums.LocationDisplayAutoPanModeOff(0) Displays the location symbol at the current location without adjusting the map view's extent, so no auto-panning is performed.
Enums.LocationDisplayAutoPanModeRecenter(1) Centers the map view at the current location, and shows the location symbol. When the current location changes, the map view is automatically panned to re-center at the new location. Behavior is affected by the wander extent factor.
Enums.LocationDisplayAutoPanModeNavigation(2) Pans the map view so that the current location symbol is shown near the bottom of the map view, and rotates the map view to align it with the direction of travel. When the current location or direction of travel changes the map view is automatically panned and rotated to maintain this position. To use this mode effectively, the device location must be moving at a speed greater than 0 meters per second. Behavior is affected by the navigation point height factor.
Enums.LocationDisplayAutoPanModeCompassNavigation(3) Centers the map view at the current location, rotates the map view to align with the direction in which the device is currently, and shows the location symbol. When the current location or position of the device changes, the map view is automatically panned and rotated to maintain this position, thus if the device is spun in a circle, the map view stays aligned with the real world.

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