Release notes

Version 1.0.0 - June, 2022.

This page provides details about enhancements in ArcGIS Maps SDK for Unity version 1.0.0. It also lists this release's resolved issues, and known issues.

Updating from pre-release

The preset basemaps provided by ArcGIS Maps SDK for Unity require an API Key. If you are using a preset basemap, be sure to set an API Key or the basemap will fail to load and the ArcGIS Map will appear blank. See Known issues.

Learn more about using API Keys with ArcGIS Maps SDK for Unity here.

Issues resolved

  • Tiles render inconsistently with multiple raster tile layers

    Summary: When there are more than eight raster tile layers visible in the viewport, tile composition becomes inconsistent. It is possible to have more than eight layers in your scene, but as soon as your viewport has more than eight raster tile layers in use and the camera or layer visibility changes, the issue occurs.


This section describes new features and improvements (what's new).

Editor mode support

You can view and edit the open scene live in the Scene view without the need to play the scene. This new feature allows you to place objects in editor mode. You can disable it if you need to.

Increased spatial reference support

You can use any geographic coordinate system as the global map type and any projected coordinate system as the local map type. You have the option to specify the spatial reference of the ArcGIS Map for the layers you add. Otherwise, the first layer loaded in the Viewport determines the spatial reference.

Geometry API

A new geometry API is added to create geometries of type point, multipoint, polyline, polygon, envelope, and enable spatial analysis. Geometries have a spatial reference, are Z and M aware, can be re-projected, and serialized to and from JSON.

Scene layer color, transparency and opacity support

Mesh colors can now be rendered. The transparency and opacity in the data are also reflected. Objects in scene layers, like trees, are rendered the same as they are with other Esri products.

Note: gltf material and the color information stored in the drawingInfo are not supported yet.

Mesh collision for raycasting

You can now enable mesh colliders for all layers.

OAuth 2.0

Support for access tokens and refresh tokens is added. Now you can set and get access tokens and refresh tokens.


  • ArcGISLayerViewState error property now is message and ArcGISViewStateMessage type
  • ArcGISViewState error property now is message and ArcGISViewStateMessage type
  • ArcGISElevationSourceViewState error property now is message and ArcGISViewStateMessage type
  • ArcGISLayerViewStateChangeEvent now return a ArcGISLayerViewState
  • ArcGISViewStateChangeEvent now return a ArcGISViewState
  • ArcGISElevationSourceViewStateChangeEvent now return a ArcGISElevationSourceViewState
  • Added entity ArcGISViewStateMessage
  • Added entity ArcGISViewStateMessageType
  • ArcGIS3DModelLayer has been renamed to ArcGIS3DObjectSceneLayer
  • ArcGISRendererView and GameEngineView has been merged and named to ArcGISView
  • ArcGISPosition now is ArcGISPoint
  • basemap now expose baseLayers and ReferenceLayers
  • ArcGISMapController, the primary class that manages the UI, was renamed to ArcGISMapCreator.

Map Creator UI

The UI has been taken out of the Inspector window and named Map Creator UI. The new UI has a separate window and is composed of components that are visible in the Inspector window. The Map Creator UI and the components are synchronized, and you can see the changes to the corresponding components inside the Inspector window when you make a change via the UI. You can also add a basemap and elevation source with a custom URL directly in the UI.

Known issues

  • A basemap that fails to load will cause all layers in the ArcGIS Map to fail to display.

    Summary: If you are using a basemap that fails to load (for example, a preset basemap that requires an API Key, but no API Key is set), then the ArcGIS Map load will be interrupted and the map will appear blank. This also impacts the SDK samples that use a preset basemap.

    Workaround: Be sure to set an API key when using one of the preset basemaps.

  • View state report propagated warning messages.

    Summary: The view state report logs propagated error messages in the Console. These are not actual errors.

    Workaround: No workaround available.

  • Layer with non-standard metadata loading, position, and LOD tile issue.

    Summary: Some layers that render correctly in other Esri products do not render, or are rendered in an incorrect position in Unity, or with incorrect LOD tiles, even though the service is in the supported layer type and spatial reference.

    Workaround: Case by case. If you have this issue, provide the detail via support.

  • Changes on the component are not reflected in the Map Creator UI.

    Summary: After making changes on the component, the Map Creator UI doesn't automatically update with the new values.

    Workaround: Click a different tab in the Map Creator UI to pull the new values from the component.

  • The extent dimension values are incorrectly applied in the scene when the extent center is away from the Equator.

    Summary: When you set an extent in the area away from the Equator in an ArcGIS Map with a geographic coordinate system, the shape dimension is bigger than the values set for the extension.

    Workaround: No workaround available.

  • One image tile layer is still visible in the Scene view window even after removing all while in editor mode.

    Summary: One image tile layer remains visible after removing all the image tile layers in the level.

    Workaround: Play the scene once or reload the scene.

  • Setting scene layers opacity doesn't make any effect.

    Summary: Opacity doesn't work if Unity material for the scene layer is opaque.

    Workaround: Change the scene layer material to the one that has transparency.

  • Some part of integrated mesh scene layers flashes while navigating around the area.

    Summary: When there is an elevation enabled in the scene, some part of the integrated mesh scene layers flashes.

    Workaround: Disable the elevation

  • Tile flashing.

    Summary: While navigating in the level, a few tiles flash occasionally when the elevation is enabled.

    Workaround: No workaround available.

  • The Map Creator UI layer management popup stays visible.

    Summary: The layer management popup for the Map Creator UI stays visible even when you click outside of it.

    Workaround: Click again on the icon in the layers panel if you do not select any option from the popup window.

  • The Map Creator UI layer management popup is covered by other Unity Editor windows.

    Summary: The layer management popup for the Map Creator UI is covered by other Unity Editor windows and is not fully visible.

    Workaround: Adjust other window sizes to display all layer management options.

  • An error is logged after removing a component.

    Summary: Modifying values in the Map Creator UI generates error messages in the Console window after removing a component from the game object.

    Workaround: Re-add the removed component from the Inspector window by clicking on the Add Component button. Note that the modified values in the Map Creator UI after removing the component and other values are not recoverable when the component has been re-added.

  • Cannot deselect the original tiles or select new tiles when selecting a group of tiles in the Scene view.

    Summary: While selecting a group of tiles in the Scene view by holding the Shift key, a transform.localPosition assign attempt for ... error message is logged in the Console window. Once the error is generated, you cannot select anything else until you restart Unity. Attempting to press play causes Unity to crash.

    Workaround: No workaround available.

  • The default layer opacity is set to 0 instead of 1 in the ArcGIS Map component.

    Summary: When you add the first array element in the Layers section or the ArcGIS Map component, the default layer opacity is set to 0 instead of 1.

    Workaround: Manually change the layer opacity value to make it visible after adding the row.

  • Adding a new layer array row in the ArcGIS Map component duplicates the layer that is already added.

    Summary: When you add a new layer array element in the ArcGIS Map component, it duplicates the last row added and its values.

    Workaround: Replace the default values with new values after adding the row.

  • The Sample OAuth script used in the OAuthAPISample conflicts with the map component's authentication configuration list.

    Summary: The map component clears all existing configurations from the ArcGISAuthenticationManager and then adds its list from the UI. If another script adds a configuration, the map component will destroy it.

    Workaround: No workaround available.

  • Generated normal maps have geometric patterns when the elevation is enabled.

    Summary: When an elevation is enabled, generated normal maps have geometric patterns and are visible on the surface.

    Workaround: No workaround available.

  • Android compile errors.

    Summary: Compiling for Android fails with RenderTexture.Create failed: stencil texture format unsupported.

    Workaround: On Unity's Project window, navigate through Packages > ArcGIS MapsSDK for Unity > SDK > Renderer and open the ArcGISTerrainOcclusionRenderer.cs file. Then replace stencilFormat = UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat.R8_UInt, with depthStencilFormat = UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat.D32_SFloat_S8_UInt, at line 279.

  • Map extent configuration via C# script is ignored.

    Summary: The map extent configuration via the C# script is overwritten by the ArcGIS Map component and doesn't make any effect in either play mode or editor mode.

    Workaround: Use the Map Extent section of the ArcGIS Map component to configure an extent.

  • ArcGIS Hit Test Sample returns an incorrect number instead of the feature ID.

    Summary: ArcGIS Hit Test Sample returns an incorrect number instead of the feature ID when clicking on a building while pressing the shift key during play mode.

    Workaround: No workaround available. This will be fixed in the next release.

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