An image tile layer is a data layer that can access and display image tile data provided by an map tile service or an map tile package.

The spatial reference of the image tile layers should match the spatial reference of the basemap.
Map tile services
An map tile service is a data service that provides static pre-rendered image tiles to display at different scales.
You can use the following kinds of URLs for the source to add map tile services to your ArcGIS Map:
- Item page URL
- map tile services URL
You can learn more about map tile service in the Mapping and location services guide.
Local map tile packages
Image tile layers can also access data from map tile packages stored locally.
An map tile package is a single .tpk (or .tpkx) file containing image tiles, and you can share the file as you would with any file. Compared with .tpk files, .tpkx files provide better performance on network shares and cloud store directories.