Namespace: Esri::GameEngine::Layers
Class: Esri/GameEngine/Layers/ArcGIS3DObjectSceneLayer
Since: 1.0.0
Inheritance: ArcGISLayer->ArcGIS3DObjectSceneLayer
Public class that will contain a layer with a 3d objects inside.
Property | Type | Nullable | Readonly | Summary |
Yes | No | The ArcGISSpatialFeatureFilter to apply to the layer. | ||
U | No | No | The user-defined material reference to render the layer. |
ArcGISSpatialFeatureFilter GetFeatureFilter() const
void SetFeatureFilter(const ArcGISSpatialFeatureFilter& featureFilter)
The ArcGISSpatialFeatureFilter to apply to the layer.
UMaterialInterface* GetMaterialReference() const
void SetMaterialReference(UMaterialInterface* materialReference)
The user-defined material reference to render the layer.
This is required to be set before the layer is loaded or an error will occur.
Signature | Return Type | Summary |
SetAttributesToVisualize(const ArcGISImmutableArray<FString>&) | An ArcGISImmutableArray<T> of the strings that are used for retrieving the specified attributes for visualization. | |
SetAttributesToVisualize(const ArcGISImmutableArray<FString>&, const ArcGISImmutableArray<ArcGISVisualizationAttributeDescription>&, const ArcGISAttributeProcessor&) | An ArcGISImmutableArray<T> of the strings that are used for retrieving the specified attributes from the layer, the corresponding ArcGISVisualizationAttributeDescription to describe the attributes to be visualized and the ArcGISAttributeProcessor definition. |
An ArcGISImmutableArray<T> of the strings that are used for retrieving the specified attributes for visualization.
Since 1.0.0
Name | Type | Const | Summary |
layer | ArcGISImmutableArray<FString> | Yes | The attribute names to pass through for visualization. |
Returns void
void SetAttributesToVisualize(const ArcGISImmutableArray<FString>& layerAttributes, const ArcGISImmutableArray<ArcGISVisualizationAttributeDescription>& visualizationAttributeDescriptions, const ArcGISAttributeProcessor& attributeProcessor)
An ArcGISImmutableArray<T> of the strings that are used for retrieving the specified attributes from the layer, the corresponding ArcGISVisualizationAttributeDescription to describe the attributes to be visualized and the ArcGISAttributeProcessor definition.
Since 1.0.0
Name | Type | Const | Summary |
layer | ArcGISImmutableArray<FString> | Yes | The attribute names requested and provided to the ArcGISAttributeProcessorEvent as input. |
visualization | ArcGISImmutableArray<ArcGISVisualizationAttributeDescription> | Yes | The visualization attribute descriptions to use for visualization. These are used to specify the output visualization attribute array provided to ArcGISAttributeProcessorEvent. |
attribute | Yes | The ArcGISAttributeProcessor defines an event which is invoked when the requested layer attributes are available to be processed. |