Release notes

Version 0.2.0 - February, 2021.

The ArcGIS Maps SDK for Unreal Engine beta introduces the ability to access ArcGIS data sources within a scene in Unreal Engine to develop 3D and XR applications for a wide variety of devices and experiences.

This page provides details about enhancements in the ArcGIS Maps SDK for Unreal Engine Beta 2 release. It also lists this release's known issues.


This section describes new features and improvements (what's new).


You can access content on ArcGIS Online, such as web maps, web scenes, layers, items, and services, with an API key. An API key is a unique identifier used to provide authenticated access to a secured resource. An API key is similar to a token, but does not expire and can be used to monitor service usage from your apps.

A default API key is created for you when you sign up for an ArcGIS Location Platform account. If you already have an ArcGIS account, you can use your dashboard to edit your default API key or to create new keys.

For more information about creating, configuring, using, and monitoring API keys see the API keys topic in the guide.

ArcGIS identity (OAuth 2.0)

Support for OAuth 2.0 was added which enables access using an ArcGIS identity to online resources that are restricted to authorized users. For example, your organization may host private data layers that you'd like to make accessible only to authenticated users.

Mobile support

Mobile memory management has been added to react according to the memory usage on mobile devices to improve the mobile user experience. (Minimum 4GB RAM on mobile devices)

More improvements are currently being worked on to support low memory devices better and it will be available in future releases.


Load invisible layers

You can now set true or false for data loaded from layers that are set as invisible. New entity ArcGISRendererViewOptions contains configuration parameters for the ArcGISRendererView. When LoadDataFromInvisibleLayers is set to true, the data for the layer which has isVisible property set to false will be loaded in the background. This allows displaying the layer quickly when the isVisible property is changed to true.

View state report

Users now have access to public information changing events. ArcGISRendererView contains public events in a combined bitwise mask status that displays changes to layers, elevation sources, and the view state during runtime.

ArcGISImageElevationSource instead of ArcGISLayers

Elevation data class inheritance from ArcGISLayers has been removed. New entity ArcGISElevationSource reflects elevation sources used to construct an ArcGISMapElevation. ArcGISImageElevationSource inherits from ArcGISElevationSource and allows support of tiled images as an elevation source.

Known issues

  • Packaging issue when there is no C++ class

    Summary: Generic packaging error when the project doesn’t contain any C++ classes

    Workaround: Create at least one empty C++ class in the project’s source code folder. You can ensure your project has an empty C++ class by creating a new project as a C++ project in Unreal Engine's project creation wizard. View the Adding the Plugin to a New Project page for more information.

  • macOS packaging paths Issue

    Summary: Our libraries are not correctly loaded by macOS binary packages because of a missing search path.

    Workaround: Modify the packaged app binary to include the search path to the folder where our shared libraries are stored by following these steps.

    1. Package your macOS build

    2. Open a terminal and cd to the location of the package

    3. Run this command:

      Use dark colors for code blocksCopy
      install_name_tool -add_rpath @loader_path/../UE4/<package-name>/Plugins/ArcGISMapsSDK/Binaries/ThirdParty/ArcGISMapsSDKLib/Mac <package-name>.app/Contents/MacOS/<package-name>
  • Integrated Mesh scene layer lighting issue

    Summary: For some Integrated Mesh scene layers, the brightness of the surface doesn't match with the lighting direction.

    Workaround: There is no workaround for this issue and a fix is planned for a future release.

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