April 2023
- add global CSS props for focus offset and color (#6782) (fbe7b20), closes #3392
- allow disabled elements to emit pointer events without triggering activation (#6732) (c151025), closes #5318
- make getAssetPath available in output targets (#6755) (f915aa1), closes #6696
- action-bar, action-pad: Set layout property on child action-group elements. (#6739) (8eefa12), closes #6390
- list, list-item: Adds the ability to close a list-item (#6775) (66171ab), closes #6555
- chip-group: Add Chip Group component (#6075) (77dec87), closes #1933
- date-picker: add support for de-AT locale (#6788) (be3a8b2), closes #6737
- input-time-picker: add focus trap support (#6834) (8c748f3)
- input: add files property (#6277) (4aff028), closes #5890
- input-date-picker:
- input-time-picker: allow toggling time picker by clicking the input or entering the down/escape key (#6832) (4639d89), closes #6830
- panel: Add slot for an action-bar component. (#6738) (b57733b), closes #6448
- shell-panel: Place Action Bar in correct location when used in top / bottom Shell slots (#6761) (6791f67), closes #6447
Bug fixes
- combobox, dropdown, input-date-picker, popover, tooltip: fix misplaced floating-ui elements when associated-components are closed (#6709) (e220686), closes #6404
- inline-editable, input-message, input-number, input-text, input: prevent components from unintentionally picking up a different scale/status value from an ancestor (#6506) (e27f4b3), closes #6494
- input-time-picker, time-picker: render when input-time-picker or time-picker's step property changes (#6731) (2118349), closes #6039
- modal, popover: fix focus-trap from preventing first click (#6769) (be4a63a), closes #6581
- block: Ensure description has correct line-height (#6723) (a7deec2), closes #6443
- button: truncate long button text (#6664) (5857e76), closes #5660
- combobox: Visually nest group items properly (#6749) (8d0d0e5), closes #6384
- date-picker:
- dropdown: trigger should break words when overflowing container. (#6747) (496ce7e), closes #5903
- input-date-picker:
- input-time-picker: support keyboard interactions to improve a11y (#6837) (96319ae), closes #6835
- panel: ensure close button is placed in the corner of the panel header. (#6746) (1401523), closes #6742
- shell-panel: Side panels should appear over center panels (#6787) (5e0b393), closes #5927
- stepper: rerender stepper items when parent numbering system changes (#6563) (e817b03), closes #5979
- tree-item: ensure tree-item properly reflect ancestor-mode selection on initialization (#6795) (5591ab4), closes #5867
- value-list-item: add missing event emitter (#6797) (c96d33e), closes #5167
The 4.26 release of the ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript supports Calcite version 1.0.7. If you are using version 4.25 it is recommended to use Calcite's 1.0.0-beta.97 release.