Changelog for 2.5.0

February 2024


  • stepper: Add horizontal-single layout (#8742) (c34bc4f)
  • table: Add interactionMode property to control focus behavior (#8686) (0cb78c0)
  • table: Improve accessibility of interaction-mode: static Table (#8754) (eead1b5)
  • tile: Add responsive layout features (#8691) (f4f872e)

Bug Fixes

  • color-picker: Alpha-channel slider scope updates to reflect current opacity (#8700) (cd0b532)
  • combobox: Avoid inline-start padding on combobox label when icon is displayed (#8672) (9eb680a)
  • Don't override existing validationMessage when displaying after form submission (#8690) (3076220)
  • Fix dragging items on a mobile device (#8751) (dc11612)
  • Fix styling when dragging items on a mobile device (#8750) (7c01e6e)
  • input, input-number, input-text, text-area: Ensure all applicable props are considered in form validation (#8655) (6de8534)
  • list-item: Fix slotted list border styling. (#8712) (855f98d)
  • loader: Optimize animation performance (#8714) (1ed8a01)
  • preset: Add back legacy token for calcite-ui-focus-color (#8694) (1d1b933)
  • Prevent interaction when component is disabled after initialization (Firefox) (#8746) (aa84182)
  • stepper: No longer adds default min-width for items when layout='horizontal' (#8758) (23a7439)


  • Fix(panel, flow-item): remove overflow rule (#8711) (21226ce)


The 4.29 release of the ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript supports Calcite version 2.4.0. In your application, we recommend using the same version or any version greater than ^2.4.0. For example, ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript is using 2.5.1 in the following Calcite samples.

If you are using version 4.28 it is recommended to use Calcite's 1.9.2 release.

Your browser is no longer supported. Please upgrade your browser for the best experience. See our browser deprecation post for more details.