AnalysisResultsModel QML Type

(BETA) Read-only data list model for deep learning analysis results. More...

Import Statement: import ArcGIS.AppFramework.DeepLearning 1.0



Detailed Description

The AnalysisResultsModel component provides a read-only data list model for deep learning analysis results, along with tools to find specific results.

This component is in beta. Elements are subject to change in future releases.

Property Documentation

[read-only] count : int

Returns the number of results in the data model.

unique : bool

If true, the list model maintains the relative order of the results in the list when updating. Default value is false.

Method Documentation

object get(int index)

Returns the result at the given index number.

The index parameter

The number of the index to return.

object getAtPoint(point point)

Returns the result with the highest score at a certain point.

The point parameter

The point to return the highest score at.

object getAtPoint(point point, double minimumScore)

Returns the result with the highest score that's higher than the minimum score at a certain point.

The point parameter

The point to return the highest score at.

The minimumScore parameter

The minimum score to filter out any results below.

int indexAtPoint(point point)

Returns the index of the highest scoring result at the given point.

The point parameter

The point to return the highest-scoring index from.

int indexAtPoint(point point, double minimumScore)

Returns the index of the result with the highest score that's higher than the given minimum score at the specified point.

The point parameter

The point to return the index of the highest score from.

The minimumScore parameter

The minimum score to filter out any results below.

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