Provides access to the system clipboard. More...
Import Statement: | import ArcGIS.AppFramework 1.0 |
- color : color
- dataAvailable : bool
- dataTypes : QStringList
- html : string
- supportsShare : bool
- text : string
- clear()
- bool copy(var data)
- BinaryData data(string mimeType)
- bool setData(string mimeType, const binarydata data)
- share(var payload)
- share()
Detailed Description
The Clipboard component provides access to the system's clipboard, offering a simple mechanism to copy and paste data as well as to display information about the data currently stored.
This code sample demonstrates using this component to display the size and data type of the clipboard's contents.
Item { property BinaryData binaryData: dataTypeComboBox.currentIndex >= 0 ? : null property var dataSize: binaryData ? binaryData.size : "N/A" onBinaryDataChanged: { dataText.text = ""; } ColumnLayout { visible: AppFramework.clipboard.dataAvailable anchors { fill: parent margins: 5 } GroupBox { Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillHeight: true implicitWidth: parent.width ColumnLayout { anchors.fill: parent RowLayout { Layout.fillWidth: true Text { text: "Data types" } ComboBox { id: dataTypeComboBox Layout.fillWidth: true model: AppFramework.clipboard.dataTypes } } RowLayout { Layout.fillWidth: true Text { Layout.fillWidth: true text: "size: %1 bytes".arg(dataSize) } } } } GroupBox { Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillHeight: true implicitWidth: parent.width title: "Plain text" ColumnLayout { anchors.fill: parent TextArea { id: textArea Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillHeight: true text: AppFramework.clipboard.text readOnly: true } } } } }
Property Documentation
If color content is available on the clipboard, returns it as an application/x-color MIME type. Otherwise, returns an empty string or can set text to the clipboard as HTML.
Returns true if there is any data on the clipboard. Otherwise, returns false.
Returns a string array of MIME data formats available on the clipboard.
If HTML content is available on the clipboard, returns it as a string of HTML. Otherwise, returns an empty string or can set text to the clipboard as HTML.
Returns true if the device supports sharing via the clipboard. Otherwise, returns false.
If text is available on the clipboard, returns it as a string. Otherwise, returns an empty string or can set text to the clipboard.
Signal Documentation
Signal emitted when the data kept on the clipboard has been changed.
Note: The corresponding handler is onDataChanged
Method Documentation
Copies the supplied value to the clipboard. This function performs different actions according to the type of value provided:
Strings are copied to the clipboard as text. Numbers, boolean values and dates are converted to strings before being copied to the clipboard. URLs are copied as the uri MIME type. Colors are copied as the application/x-color MIME type. JavaScript objects are converted into string JSON representation before being copied. And items are captured as an image snapshot, after which the image is copied to the clipboard.
The data parameter
The data being copied to the clipboard.
BinaryData data(string mimeType) |
Returns the requested data as specified by the give mimeType. If the data is not available, returns either a BinaryData object or null.
The mimeType parameter
The format of data to retrieve from the clipboard.
See also setData().
Sets the given BinaryData object data to the clipboard, as the specified mimeType.
The mimeType parameter
The data type to set the data to the clipboard as.
The data parameter
The data being saved to the clipboard.
See also data().
Opens a native interface to share the payload data across apps, including email and social media.
This functionality is only supported on iOS, macOS, and Android.
This code sample demonstrates a common usage of sharing a file through providing a file URL, by using DocumentDialog to select a file on your device, then using resolvedPathURL to convert the resulting filepath to a file URL.
Make sure that you have enabled the External Storage and File Sharing capabilities in the Capabilities tab of the Settings tool in order to save a file.
Item { property url shareURL property bool storagePermissionGranted Column { Button { text: qsTr("Select a File") onClicked: { if (storagePermissionGranted === false) { } else { } } } Button { text: qsTr("View and Share a File") onClicked: { AppFramework.clipboard.share(shareURL) } } } PermissionDialog { id: permissionDialog openSettingsWhenDenied: true permission: PermissionDialog.PermissionDialogTypeStorage onAccepted: { } } DocumentDialog { id: doc onAccepted: { shareURL = AppFramework.resolvedPathUrl(filePath) } } // check for storage permission Component.onCompleted: { storagePermissionGranted = Permission.checkPermission(Permission.PermissionTypeStorage) === Permission.PermissionResultGranted } }
The payload parameter
The data to share across apps. Currently, this supports text and URL data types. If the URL is to a file, the file itself will be shared.
Be aware that on Android devices, files saved in cloud-based storage cannot be shared directly. The file must be saved locally.
If data is available on the clipboard, opens a native interface to share this data across apps, including email and social media.
This functionality is only supported on iOS, macOS, and Android.
Item { property url urlInfo: "" Text { id: sampleURL text: urlInfo } Button { id: copyURL sampleURL.bottom text: "Copy as URL" onClicked: { AppFramework.clipboard.copy(sampleURL.text) } } Button { id: shareURL copyURL.bottom text: "Share as URL" onClicked: { AppFramework.clipboard.share() } } }