Provides a network layer proxy. More...
Import Statement: | import ArcGIS.AppFramework 1.0 |
Inherits: |
- type : ProxyType
- url : url
- useSystemProxy : bool
Detailed Description
The NetworkProxy component provides the method for configuring network layer proxy support to the Network component. The proxy support is designed to be as transparent as possible, meaning that existing network-enabled applications that you have written can be easily made to support network proxies through the use of this component.
This code sample demonstrates how to set up a proxy for your app using NetworkProxy, so that debug logs can be captured with tools such as Charles Proxy or Fiddler.
Item { property url proxyUrl: proxyUrlTextField.text property url testUrl: testUrlTextField.text Column { anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right anchors.margins: 10 spacing: 10 TextField { id: proxyUrlTextField width: parent.width placeholderText: qsTr("Proxy URL") text: } TextField { id: testUrlTextField width: parent.width placeholderText: qsTr("Test URL") text: "" } Button { text: qsTr("Send") onClicked: send() } Text { text: qsTr("Proxy Type: %1").arg( } Text { text: qsTr("Proxy Url: %1").arg( } Text { text: qsTr("Network Request Ready State: %1").arg(networkRequest.readyState) } TextArea { width: parent.width text: networkRequest.responseText readOnly: true } NetworkRequest { id: networkRequest url: testUrl } } function send() { = proxyUrl; = (proxyUrl != '') ? NetworkProxy.HttpProxy : NetworkProxy.DefaultProxy; networkRequest.send(); } }
ProxyType enumeration
This enum describes the type of proxy to be provided.
Name | Value |
NetworkProxy.DefaultProxy | 0 |
NetworkProxy.Socks5Proxy | 1 |
NetworkProxy.NoProxy | 2 |
NetworkProxy.HttpProxy | 3 |
NetworkProxy.HttpCachingProxy | 4 |
NetworkProxy.FtpCachingProxy | 5 |