ImageOverlay QML Type

(BETA) Stylized text and frame for displaying deep learning analysis results. More...

Import Statement: import ArcGIS.AppFramework.DeepLearning 1.0


Detailed Description

The ImageOverly component provides a means to add stylized text and frame for depicting deep learning analysis results to the video frames from the ImageAnalysisFilter component.

This component is in beta. Elements are subject to change in future releases.

Property Documentation

font : font

The font used for overlay text.

frameLineWidth : int

The width of the frame line. Default value is 2.

scale : double

The scale of both the text and frame. Devault value is 1.0.

showInferenceTime : bool

If true, shows the inference time in the analysis results. Default value is false.

visible : bool

Controls the visibility of the image overlay. If false, the overlay will not display. Default value is true.

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