BeaconDiscoveryAgent QML Type

Discover nearby Bluetooth beacons. More...

Import Statement: import ArcGIS.AppFramework.Devices 1.0




Detailed Description

The BeaconDiscoveryAgent component searches for nearby Bluetooth beacons detectable by your app, optionally within a given beacon region.

This component is currently only supported on iOS and Android devices.


State enumeration

The state of the beacon region. Informs the stateChangedForRegion signal.


Property Documentation

[read-only] error : string

Returns the last error encountered in Bluetooth beacon detection.

[read-only] supported : bool

Returns true if the app and device support bluetooth beacon detection. Otherwise, returns false.

Signal Documentation

beaconsInRegion(BeaconRegion beaconRegion, object beacons)

Signal emitted when the count of beacons detected in a region has changed. This signal instantiates the Beacon component.

Note: The corresponding handler is onBeaconsInRegion.

enteredRegion(BeaconRegion beaconRegion)

Signal emitted when a Bluetooth beacon from the specified region has been detected.

Note: The corresponding handler is onEnteredRegion.

exitedRegion(BeaconRegion beaconRegion)

Signal emitted when the device can no longer detect Bluetooth beacons from the specified region.

Note: The corresponding handler is onExitedRegion.

stateChangedForRegion(BeaconRegion beaconRegion, BeaconDiscoveryAgent::State state)

Signal emitted when the state has changed for the given region. Informed by the State enum.

Note: The corresponding handler is onStateChangedForRegion.

Method Documentation

startMonitoringBeaconsInRegion(beaconregion beaconRegion)

Starts the process of monitoring beacons in range from the specified region.

The beaconRegion parameter

The beacon region to start monitoring.

startRangingBeaconsInRegion(beaconregion beaconRegion)

Begins the process of measuring proximity to beacons from the specified region.

The beaconRegion parameter

The beacon region to begin measuring the distance of beacons from.

stopMonitoringBeaconsInRegion(beaconregion beaconRegion)

Stops the app from monitoring beacons in range from the specified region.

The beaconRegion parameter

The region to stop monitoring.

stopRangingBeaconsInRegion(beaconregion beaconRegion)

Stops the app from measuring proximity to beacons in range from the specified region.

The beaconRegion parameter

The beacon region to stop ranging beacons from.

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Learn more about these changes in the What's new in Esri Developers June 2024 blog post.
