Provides access to EMM policy settings. More...
Import Statement: | import ArcGIS.AppFramework.Management 1.0 |
- error : string
- policyDefaults : object
- policySettings : object
- supported : bool
- object defaultValue(string keyName)
- object defaultValue(string keyName, object valueIfKeyAbsent)
- object value(string keyName)
- object value(string keyName, bool returnDefault)
- object value(string keyName, bool returnDefault, object valueIfKeyAbsent)
Detailed Description
The ManagedAppConfiguration component provides an interface to allow Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) software to overwrite certain provided default settings, allowing for streamlined app configuration across an enterprise. The component is a singleton, meaning that it does not need to be instantiated to be used.
For this component to function, your app needs a configurationSchema .xml file referenced in the app's appinfo.json. For more information see
Android also requires that a restriction file be referenced, the requirements of which can be found at
The following code sample demonstrates a potential usage of ManagedAppConfiguration, using the policySettings property provided by the EMM software to overwrite a default portal URL and name provided in the configuration schema .xml.
Item { property bool isSupported:ManagedAppConfiguration.supported Connections { target: ManagedAppConfiguration onPolicySettingsChanged : { console.log("supported: ", isSupported); var appConfigDictionary = ManagedAppConfiguration.policySettings; console.log("settings: ", JSON.stringify(appConfigDictionary)); for (var key in appConfigDictionary) { console.log("Object item:", key, "=", appConfigDictionary[key]); if (key === "portalUrl") portalUrl.text = appConfigDictionary["portalUrl"]; if (key === "portalName") portalName.text = appConfigDictionary["portalName"]; } //json.text = JSON.stringify(appConfigDictionary); settingsJson.text = JSON.stringify(ManagedAppConfiguration.policySettings, null, 2); } onPolicyDefaultsChanged : { console.log("defaults changed: ", JSON.stringify(ManagedAppConfiguration.policyDefaults)); } } }
For more information on EMMs, including correct formatting of the required .xml files, see for iOS and for Android.
Property Documentation
Returns a JSON object containing every policy variable that can be controlled by the EMM, and its default value. These values and defaults are defined by the .xml file provided for the configurationSchema property in the app's appinfo.json file.
The policy settings to overwrite the policy defaults with. These are set by the EMM admin, and provided by the EMM system.
Returns true if the overwriting of policy settings is supported by the operating system.
Typically, this property will return true on iOS and Android, and false on Windows, macOS and Linux. This is because most EMMs don't support app configurations on desktop platforms, although app distribution is supported on them.
Method Documentation
The keyName parameter
The valueIfKeyAbsent parameter
The keyName parameter
The returnDefault parameter
The valueIfKeyAbsent parameter