Reads system battery information, including battery level and charging source. More...
Import Statement: | import ArcGIS.AppFramework.Platform 1.0 |
Detailed Description
BatteryState enumeration
Enum describing the current charge state of the battery. Informs the state property.
Name | Value |
Battery.BatteryStateUnknown | 0 |
Battery.BatteryStateDischarging | 1 |
Battery.BatteryStateCharging | 2 |
Battery.BatteryStateFull | 3 |
Battery.BatteryStateNotCharging | 4 |
PowerSource enumeration
Enum describing the device's currently-used power source. Informs the source property.
Name | Value |
Battery.PowerSourceUnknown | 0 |
Battery.PowerSourceAC | 1 |
Battery.PowerSourceUSB | 2 |
Battery.PowerSourceWireless | 3 |
Battery.PowerSourceBattery | 4 |
PowerMode enumeration
Enum describing the power consumption mode that the device is curently using. Informs the mode property.
Name | Value |
Battery.PowerModeUnknown | 0 |
Battery.PowerModeBalanced | 1 |
Battery.PowerModeBatterySaver | 2 |
Property Documentation
The current percentage of power remaining for the device's battery.
On Windows, this will return 0 if the device is currently connected to an external power source.
The current power consumption mode the device is in. Informed by the PowerMode enum.
Contains the power source that the device is currently using. Informed by the PowerSource enum.
Contains the battery's current charging state. Informed by the BatteryState enum.