Allows control over the app's theme and color palette. More...
Import Statement: | import ArcGIS.AppFramework.Platform 1.0 |
- setAndSignalThemeChange(string systemTheme)
Detailed Description
The SystemTheme component is used to contain the visual theme being used for the device so that it can be used within the app, e.g. light and dark mode. This component cannot be instantated by itself, and must be initially instantiated using the SystemTheme property in the Platform singleton.
The following code sample shows an example usage of SystemTheme. A SystemTheme object contains the information on the system theme, which is then used for a number of example controls within the app.
App { id: app width: 400 height: 640 property bool useMaterial : true Material.theme: useMaterial ? ((Platform.systemTheme.mode === SystemTheme.Dark) ? Material.Dark : Material.Light) : Material.Light SystemPalette { id: myPalette colorGroup: SystemPalette.Active onWindowChanged: { console.error("Window color active changed.color: ", window); } onTextChanged: { console.error("Text color active changed. color: ", text); } onWindowTextChanged: { console.error("Window text color active changed. color: ", windowText); } onButtonChanged: { console.error("Button color active changed. color: ", button); } } Connections { target: Platform onSystemThemeChanged: { console.error("ThemeChanged current: ", Platform.systemTheme.mode); if (useMaterial) { if (Platform.systemTheme.mode === SystemTheme.Dark) { app.Material.theme = Material.Dark; } else if (Platform.systemTheme.mode === SystemTheme.Light) { app.Material.theme = Material.Light; } } } } ColumnLayout { anchors.fill: parent Button { width: 100 height: 30 text: "Button" } Rectangle { width: parent.width height: parent.height / 2 color: useMaterial ? Material.background : Platform.systemTheme.palette["window"] ColumnLayout { spacing: 5 anchors.fill: parent Text { text: "Hello!" color: useMaterial ? Material.foreground : Platform.systemTheme.palette["text"] } ColumnLayout { RadioButton { id: rb1 text: qsTr("Small") contentItem: Text { text: rb1.text color: useMaterial ? Material.foreground : Platform.systemTheme.palette["text"] leftPadding: rb1.indicator.width + rb1.spacing verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter } } RadioButton { id: rb2 text: qsTr("Medium") checked: true contentItem: Text { text: rb2.text color: useMaterial ? Material.foreground : Platform.systemTheme.palette["text"] leftPadding: rb2.indicator.width + rb2.spacing verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter } } RadioButton { id: rb3 text: qsTr("Large") contentItem: Text { text: rb3.text color: useMaterial ? Material.foreground : Platform.systemTheme.palette["text"] leftPadding: rb3.indicator.width + rb3.spacing verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter } } } } } Rectangle { width: parent.width height: parent.height / 2 color: useMaterial ? Material.background : Platform.systemTheme.palette["window"] ColumnLayout { anchors.fill: parent spacing: 5 RowLayout { Text { Layout.preferredWidth: 100 height: 30 text: "Text :" color: useMaterial ? Material.foreground : Platform.systemTheme.palette["text"] } TextField { placeholderText: "Enter text" placeholderTextColor: useMaterial ? Material.foreground : Platform.systemTheme.palette["text"] Layout.preferredWidth: 100 height: 30 } } RowLayout { Text { Layout.preferredWidth: 100 height: 30 text: "Slider 1" color: useMaterial ? Material.foreground : Platform.systemTheme.palette["text"] } Slider { from: 1 value: 25 to: 100 } } } } } }
On macOS, this can only function if the app's appinfo.json has the macos.allowDarkMode property set to true.
SystemThemeType enumeration
Enum describing the different potential system themes. Informs the mode property.
Name | Value |
SystemTheme.Unknown | -1 |
SystemTheme.Dark | 0 |
SystemTheme.Light | 1 |
SystemTheme.Custom | 2 |
Property Documentation
Property containing the current system theme mode. This property is informed by the SystemThemeType enum.
Method Documentation
Sets a new system theme, before signalling a change in the system theme.
The systemTheme parameter
The system theme to change to.