Captures, reads and decodes barcodes through video feed. More...
Import Statement: | import ArcGIS.AppFramework.Barcodes 1.0 |
- boundingRect : size
- decodeHints : int
- defaultBoundingRect : size
- info : object
- orientation : int
- decoded(string barcode, BarcodeDecoder::BarcodeType barcodeType, string barcodeTypeString, object points)
- size resolutionHint(object source, int decodeHints)
Detailed Description
The BarcodeFilter component provides specialized tools to read and decode a wide variety of barcode types. This component is specifically designed to be used with images, making a dedicated external barcode scanner unnecessary.
BarcodeFilter works through being installed as a filter in a VideoOutput object to work. This filter is fast efficient, but only works to search for barcodes through a video feed. Consider the BarcodeDecoder component for detection through images that can be edited elsewhere.
Item { BarcodeFilter { property string barcode: "" property int barcodeType: 0 property string barcodeTypeString: "" id: barcodeFilter orientation: videoOutput.orientation decodeHints: BarcodeDecoder.DecodeHintUPC_A | BarcodeDecoder.DecodeHintUPC_E | BarcodeDecoder.DecodeHintEAN_8 | BarcodeDecoder.DecodeHintEAN_13 | BarcodeDecoder.DecodeHintUPC_EAN_EXTENSION | BarcodeDecoder.DecodeHintCODE_39 | BarcodeDecoder.DecodeHintCODE_93 | BarcodeDecoder.DecodeHintQR_CODE | BarcodeDecoder.DecodeHintCODE_128 | BarcodeDecoder.DecodeHintTryHarder onDecoded: item.decoded(barcode, barcodeType, barcodeTypeString); } VideoOutput { id: videoOutput anchors.fill: parent autoOrientation: true source: camera filters: [ barcodeFilter ] } }
Property Documentation
Returns the number corresponding to the latest hint given by the decoder to return a more accurate scan. This is informed by the DecodeHints enum found in the BarcodeDecoder component.
Returns an object containing information about the last attempt to capture a QR code, such as the capture time, resolution of the bounding rectangle, and whether the camera feed is flipped. Note that this does not include the result of a successful barcode scan.
A rotation you can define to compensate for any user rotation. This property accepts increments of 90 degrees, with positive values being anti-clockwise rotation and negative values being clockwise.
Signal Documentation
Signal emitted when the BarcodeFilter has detected and decoded a barcode. This signal includes the string provided by the barcode, and the barcode type in both enum and string forms.
Note: The corresponding handler is onDecoded
Method Documentation
The source parameter
The decodeHints parameter