FileFolder QML Type

The FileFolder component provides access to directory structures and their contents. It doesn't include the features of Qt FileDialog. FileDialog should be used if its features are required. More...

Import Statement: import ArcGIS.AppFramework 1.0





Detailed Description

The FileFolder component is used to manipulate path names, access information regarding paths and files, and manipulate the underlying file system.

Following code snippet creates a sample 'city.json' file inside a new 'ArcGIS/Data/json' folder, reads it then deletes it.

FileFolder {
    id: fileFolder
    path: "~/ArcGIS/Data/json"

    function random_population(min_pop, max_pop) {
        return Math.round(min_pop + Math.random() * (max_pop - min_pop));

    Component.onCompleted: {
        console.log("fileFolder.path: %1".arg(JSON.stringify(fileFolder.path)));
        // qml: fileFolder.path: "C:/Users/step7069/ArcGIS/Data/json"

        console.log("fileFolder.url: %1".arg(JSON.stringify(fileFolder.url)));
        // qml: fileFolder.url: file:///C:/Users/step7069/ArcGIS/Data/json

        var ok = fileFolder.makeFolder();
        console.log("fileFolder.makeFolder: %1".arg(JSON.stringify(ok)));
        // qml: fileFolder.makeFolder: true

        var files = fileFolder.fileNames("*.json");
        console.log("fileFolder.fileNames: %1".arg(JSON.stringify(files)));
        // qml: fileFolder.fileNames: ["sample.json"]

        ok = fileFolder.writeJsonFile("city.json", { 'city': 'Redlands', country: 'USA', pop: random_population(70000, 80000) } );
        console.log("writeJsonFile: %1".arg(JSON.stringify(ok)));
        // qml: writeJsonFile: true

        var text = fileFolder.readTextFile("city.json");
        console.log("text: %1".arg(JSON.stringify(text)));
        // qml: text: "{\n    \"city\": \"Redlands\",\n    \"country\": \"USA\",\n    \"pop\": 72239\n}\n"

        var json = fileFolder.readJsonFile("city.json");
        console.log("json: %1".arg(JSON.stringify(json)));
        // qml: json: {"city":"Redlands","country":"USA","pop":72239}

        files = fileFolder.fileNames("*.json");
        console.log("fileFolder.fileNames: %1".arg(JSON.stringify(files)));
        // qml: fileFolder.fileNames: ["city.json","sample.json"]

        ok = fileFolder.removeFile("city.json");
        console.log("removeFile: %1".arg(JSON.stringify(ok)));
        // qml: removeFile: true

        files = fileFolder.fileNames("*.json");
        console.log("fileFolder.fileNames: %1".arg(JSON.stringify(files)));
        // qml: fileFolder.fileNames: ["sample.json"]

Property Documentation

[read-only] exists : bool

Returns true if the path you have set for the FileFolder component exists, returns false if it doesn't.

[read-only] folderName : string

String value of the currently mapped folders name.

FileFolder {
    id: fileFolder
    path: AppFramework.userHomePath

Text {
    text: fileFolder.folderName

[read-only] listSeparator : QChar

Returns the native path list separator. This will be ':' under Unix systems, and ';' under Windows.

path : string

Shows the address of the FileFolder object e.g. "c:\temp".

[read-only] separator : QChar

Returns the native directory separator. This will be "/" under Unix systems, and "\" under Windows.

You don't need to use this function to build file paths. If you always use "/", Qt will translate your paths to conform to the underlying operating system. If you want to display paths to the user using their operating system's separator use toNativeSeparators().

[read-only] size : int

Returns the size of the file in bytes, calculating if necessary.

url : url

Example: file:///C:/Users/<username>/ArcGIS/AppStudio/Apps/5bcae37ffdaf4aeabdd4ded6b9ecdb6b

Signal Documentation

movedFileToTrash(string originalFile)

Note: The corresponding handler is onMovedFileToTrash.

movedFileToTrash(string originalFile, object pathInTrash)

Note: The corresponding handler is onMovedFileToTrash.

movedFileToTrash(string originalFile, object pathInTrash, string error)

Note: The corresponding handler is onMovedFileToTrash.

Method Documentation

bool cd(string path)

Changes the directory

Returns true if the directory can be successfully changed to the directory string supplied. Returns false if the directory can't be changed to the location supplied.

Item {
    FileFolder {
        id: fileFolder
        path: AppFramework.userHomePath

    Text {
        text: fileFolder.path
        anchors {left: button.right; margins: 5}

    Button {
        id: button
        text: qsTr("Go to Documents folder...")
        onClicked: + "/Documents");

The path parameter

The string of the directory that is going to be set. This can be a hard coded string such as "c:\temp\data" or could also be a variable that you create:

var myFolder = AppFramework.userHomePath + "/temp/data";

bool cdUp()

Changes directory by moving one directory up from the current directory.

As AppStudio is built for various platforms it is good practice to use relative paths that are standardized by the AppFramework and this method helps you traverse the directory structure.

Item {
    FileFolder {
        id: fileFolder
        path: AppFramework.userHomePath

    Text {
        text: fileFolder.path
        anchors {left: button.right; margins: 5}

    Button {
        id: button
        text: qsTr("Go up...")
        onClicked: canMoveUp = fileFolder.cdUp()

        enabled: canMoveUp

bool copyFile(string fileName, string filePath)

Copy the file.

This sample creates a button that copies a file.

Item {
    FileFolder {
        id: fileFolder
        path: AppFramework.userHomePath

    Text {
        text: copied ? qsTr("File copied :)") : fileFolder.path
        anchors {left: button.right; margins: 5}

    Button {
        id: button
        text: qsTr("Copy text files...")
        onClicked: copied = fileFolder.copyFile("Text.txt", fileFolder.path + "/Documents/Texts/Bruce.txt");

The fileName parameter

The name of the file to be copied:


The filePath parameter

Although a path, this property requires a filename as part of it. You could simply be copying a file in the app's default directory or use it to move the file to a different location:

copyFile("Text.txt", "Bruce.txt");


copyFile("Text.txt", fileFolder.path + "/Documents/Texts/Bruce.txt")

File file(string fileName)

The fileName parameter

bool fileExists(string fileName)

Checks whether the file exists

Returns true if the file named fileName exists. If file doesn't exist returns false.

var fileExists = fileFolder.fileExists("bruce.txt");

console.log(qsTr("The file exists?"), fileExists);

The fileName parameter

The name of the file to be checked:


FileInfo fileInfo(string fileName)

Creates a fileInfo

This method returns a JSON object for you to consume in your application.

Item {
        FileFolder {
        id: fileFolder
        path: AppFramework.userHomePath

    Text {
        text: JSON.stringify(fileFolder.fileInfo("Text.txt", undefined, 2))

The fileName parameter

The name of the file to be inspected:


QStringList fileNames()

List all files in the current folder. Files in the subfolders are not included.

The method returns a string list of file names.

Item {
        FileFolder {
        id: fileFolder
        path: AppFramework.userHomePath + "/Pictures"

        onPathChanged: repeater.model = fileFolder.fileNames("*.jpg", false)

    Column {
        anchors.fill: parent
        spacing: 3

        Text {
            text: fileFolder.path
            font.pixelSize: 20

        Rectangle {
            border {
                color: "blue"
                width: 1
            width: parent.width
            height: 2

        Repeater {
            id: repeater

            delegate: Text {
                text: modelData

QStringList fileNames(object nameFilter)

Filter files in the current folder using nameFilter. In this case, files in the subfolders are not included for filtering.

The following code snippet explains the usage of this method.

Item {
    FileDialog {
        id: fileDialog
        title: "Please choose a folder containing files to review"
        selectFolder: true
        onAccepted: {
            mediaFolder.url = folder
            var filesList = mediaFolder.fileNames("*.jpg")
            imageToReview.source = mediaFolder.fileUrl(filesList[0])

    FileFolder {
        id: mediaFolder

    Image {
        id: imageToReview
        anchors {
            left: parent.left
            top: toolbar.bottom
            right: parent.right
            bottom: parent.bottom


The nameFilter parameter

List of files that can be used to filter the result.

"Bruce.txt" or "Bruce.*" or "*.txt" or "*.txt, *.jpg"

QStringList fileNames(object nameFilter, bool subFolders)

Filter files in the current folder using nameFilter. If sub folders set to true then the files in the sub folders are filtered as well. If sub folders set to false then the files in the sub folders are not filtered.

The nameFilter will be applied to both the file names and subfolder names. This means that if the name of the subfolder does not match the nameFilter, the files in the subfolder will not be filtered.

The nameFilter parameter

List of files that can be used to filter the result.

"Bruce.txt" or "Bruce.*" or "*.txt" or "*.txt, *.jpg"

The subFolders parameter

The boolean value determining whether or not subfolders will be filtered.

string filePath(string fileName)

Removes all multiple directory separators "/" and resolves any "."s or ".."s found in the file path.

Where fileName can be a relative (to the current working folder) or absolute reference, filePath is an absolute reference.

The fileName parameter

Example: "./Images/redCircle.png"

url fileUrl(string fileName)

Returns Url representation of fileName.

The following sample displays the Url filename within visual elements.

Item {
    FileFolder {
        id: fileFolder
        path: AppFramework.userHomePath + "/Pictures"

        onPathChanged: repeater.model = fileFolder.fileNames("*.jpg", true)

    Column {
        anchors.fill: parent
        spacing: 3

        Text {
            text: fileFolder.path
            font.pixelSize: 20

        Rectangle {
            border {
                color: "blue"
                width: 1
            width: parent.width
            height: 2

        Repeater {
            id: repeater

            delegate: Text {
                text: modelData
                MouseArea {
                    anchors.fill: parent
                    onClicked: {
                        urlText.text = fileFolder.fileUrl(modelData)

        Rectangle {
            border {
                color: "blue"
                width: 1
            width: parent.width
            height: 2

        Text {
            id: urlText
            font.pixelSize: 16

The fileName parameter

Example: "./Bruce.txt"

FileFolder folder(string folderName)

Creates a FileFolder object

This sample creates a button that makes a new file folder.

Item {
    FileFolder {
        id: fileFolder
        path: AppFramework.userHomePath

    Button {
        id: button
        text: qsTr("Create folder")

        onClicked: {
            var newFileFolder = fileFolder.folder("Bruce");
            folderMade = newFileFolder.makeFolder();

    Text {
        anchors {left: button.right; margins: 5}
        text : folderMade ? qsTr("Created folder. Or it already exists") : "..."

The folderName parameter

String of a folder name. Example: "Bruce"

QStringList folderNames()

List directories within a FileFolders designated path. Directories in the subfolders are not included.

This sample displays all folders within the designated directory.

Item {
    FileFolder {
        id: fileFolder
        path: AppFramework.userHomePath

        onPathChanged: repeater.model = fileFolder.folderNames()

    Column {
        anchors.fill: parent
        spacing: 3
        Repeater {
            id: repeater
            delegate: Text {
                text: modelData

QStringList folderNames(object nameFilter)

Option 2 of the folderNames method.

The folderNames methods provides optional inputs. The first is the nameFilter. This is a string that can help search for folders.

onPathChanged: repeater.model = fileFolder.folderNames("App*")

The nameFilter parameter

Examples: "Bruce" or "Br*" or "*r*"

QStringList folderNames(object nameFilter, bool subFolders)

Option 3 of folderNames method

Filter directories using nameFilter. If subFolders set to true then the directories in the subfolders are filtered as well. If subFolders set to false then the directories in the subfolders are not filtered.

The nameFilter will be applied to both the file names and subfolder names. This means that if the name of the subfolder does not match the nameFilter, the files in the subfolder will not be filtered.

onPathChanged: repeater.model = fileFolder.folderNames("Arc*", true)

The nameFilter parameter

Examples: "Bruce" or "Br*" or "*r*"

The subFolders parameter

true/false: Set to true to look in sub folders.

string fromNativeSeparators(string pathName)

Returns the pathName parameter using '/' as file separator. For example, on Widnows, fromNativeSeparators("c:\winnt\system32") would return "c:/winnt/system32".

Be aware that on some platforms, the returned string will be the same as the parameter provided.

The pathName parameter

The file path name to convert the separators of.

bool makeFolder()

Create folder.

If folder creation is successful returns true. If folder creation is unsuccessful returns false. If folder already exists returns true.

Item {
        FileFolder {
                id: fileFolder
                path: AppFramework.userHomePath

        Button {
                id: button
                text: qsTr("Create folder")

    onClicked: {
        var newFileFolder = fileFolder.folder("Bruce");
        folderMade = newFileFolder.makeFolder();

        Text {
                anchors {left: button.right; margins: 5}
                text : folderMade ? qsTr("Created folder. Or it already exists") : "..."

bool makePath(string path)

Creates all parent directories necessary to create the directory.

Returns true if successful or if path already exists. If unsuccessful returns false.

In the following sample, when the button is clicked a new folder is created inside the mediaFolder:

Item {
        FileFolder {
                id: mediaFolder
                path: AppFramework.userHomePath

        Button {
                anchors.centerIn: parent
                height: 30
                width: 100
                text: "click me"
                onClicked: mediaFolder.makePath("New Folder")

The path parameter

Examples: "./Bruce" or "c:/temp/Bruce"

object moveFileToTrash(string fileName)

Moves the file specified by the fileName parameter to the trash. On desktop platforms, this property returns the file's new filepath in the trash on success, or undefined on failure.

On Android and iOS, this method will return null regardless of if it was a success or failure.

The fileName parameter

The name of the file to move to the trash.

moveFileToTrashAsync(string fileName)

Moves the file specified by the fileName parameter to the trash. This method is asynchronous, and on completion emits the movedFileToTrash signal, with the original filename, its filepath in the trash location (for Windows and macOS), and any relevant error strings.

The fileName parameter

The name of the file to move to the trash.

object readCsvFile(string fileName)

Parses the given CSV file, presuming default values for all possible options.

The fileName parameter

The filename of the CSV to parse.

object readCsvFile(string fileName, object options)

Parses the given CSV file, using all provided options. If an option is not set, this method will use its default.

Item {
    FileFolder {
        id: testFolder
        path: "./TestFolder/"

    function runTest() {
        var options = {"delimiter": "|"}
        var inputFile = AppFramework.resolvedPath(testFolder.filePath("test.csv"));

        try {

            testFolder.readCsvFile(inputFile, options);

        } catch (error) {
              console.log("Error in " + error.fileName + ":" + error.lineNumber + ": " + error.message);


    Component.onCompleted: {

The fileName parameter

The filename of the CSV file to parse.

The options parameter

A JSON object of options that alter the behavior of parsing the CSV file. The following parameters are supported, and when not set otherwise, use the default.

dataElementAsArray: Boolean. If set to true, the function will return a list of arrays. Otherwise, the function will return a list of objects. The default is false.

delimiter: String. Specifies the delimiter/value separator. This only works when a single character is provided. The default value is comma (,).

textQualifier: String. Specify the text qualifier/quote marks. Only works when a single character is provided. Default value is double quotation marks (").

trim: Boolean. Trim unquoted strings. Default value is true.

emptyValueAsNull: Boolean. Specify if an empty unquoted value should be interpreted as a null value, or an empty string. Note that any empty quoted value will always be treated as a string. Default value is true.

fields: Strings, separated by commas and enclosed in square brackets. Provide a list of custom headers. This only works with an array of strings, e.g. ["header1", "header2", "header3"]. If not specified, the method will use the first row in the file as the headers.

valueType: String. If set to "auto", unquoted field values read from the CSV will be automatically converted to the most compact numeric type and then fallback to a string format if more compact forms are not applicable. For example, if the value is not null, then the format will resort to int, then double, then string. If set to "text", this automatic conversion isn't performed, and the field values fall back to a string format. Default value is "auto"; if the value is set to anything other than "auto" or "text", it will also default to "auto".

locale: String | Locale. Specify the locale used when reading the file. Can be set using a localename string or a Qt.locale() object, for example "de_DE" or Qt.locale("de_DE"). By default, the "C" locale is used.

encoding: String. Specify the character encoding used to read the file if Byte Order Mark (BOM) is not detected. Default value is "UTF-8".

ignoreInvalidLines: Boolean. Specify if the function should ignore invalid lines in the CSV file. An invalid line is any row that includes a different number of fields to the header, a text qualifier or quote inside an unquoted field, an unescaped text qualifier or quote in a quoted field, or an end of file character inside a quoted field. Default value is true; if set to false, the function will always abort the execution and provide an error.

object readFile(string fileName)

Reads data from the specified file

For example,

Item {
        FileFolder {
        id: fileFolder
        path: AppFramework.userHomePath

        Component.onCompleted: txt.text = readFile("Text.txt")

        Text {
       id: txt
       anchors.fill: parent
       wrapMode: Text.WordWrap

The fileName parameter

Example: "Bruce.txt"

object readFile(string fileName, object options)

Optionally supply an set of options to help read the file.

For example,

Item {
        FileFolder {
        id: fileFolder
        path: AppFramework.userHomePath

        Component.onCompleted: txt.text = readFile("Text.txt", {"encode": "<encodingtype>"})

        Text {
       id: txt
       anchors.fill: parent
       wrapMode: Text.WordWrap

The fileName parameter

Example: "./Bruce.txt"

The options parameter

Encoding types are : � hex � base64

object readJsonFile(string fileName)

Returns a JSON object from a file that you can traverse and manipulate.

This sample reads the defined JSON file.

Item {
    FileFolder {
        id: fileFolder
        path: app.folder.path

        Component.onCompleted: {
            var jsonObject = readJsonFile("iteminfo.json");

            Object.getOwnPropertyNames(jsonObject).forEach(function(val, idx, array) {
              txt.text += (val + ' -> ' + jsonObject[val] + "\n");

    Text {
        id: txt
        anchors.fill: parent
        wrapMode: Text.WordWrap

The fileName parameter

Example: "Bruce.json"

string readTextFile(string fileName)

Returns a string of the data in a text file.

This sample returns only a short section of a defined text file.

Item {
    FileFolder {
        id: fileFolder
        path: AppFramework.userHomePath

        Component.onCompleted: {
            var txtFile = readTextFile("Text.txt");
            txt.text = txtFile + " (is " + txtFile.length + " characters long)";

        id: txt
        anchors.fill: parent
        wrapMode: Text.WordWrap

The fileName parameter

Examples: "Bruce.txt" or "Bruce.json"

object readXmlFile(string fileName)

Returns an object containing the contents of an XML file.

The fileName parameter

The name of the .xml file to read from.


Refreshes content and information of the folder. Ideal for when other functions are changing the content.

string relativeFilePath(string fileName)

Returns the path to fileName relative to the directory.

This sample returns to the path defined by the location of the given file.

Item {
    FileFolder {
        id: fileFolder
        path: AppFramework.userHomePath

        Component.onCompleted: {
            txt.text = relativeFilePath("c:/temp/Bruce.txt")

    Text {
        id: txt
        anchors.fill: parent
        wrapMode: Text.WordWrap

The fileName parameter

Example: "Bruce.txt" or "C:/temp/Bruce.txt" (Windows version)

bool removeFile(string fileName)

Removes the file, fileName.

Returns true if the file is removed successfully. Returns false if the file is not removed successfully.

Item {
        FileFolder {
        id: fileFolder
        path: AppFramework.userHomePath

        Component.onCompleted: fileRemoved = removeFile("c:/temp/Bruce.txt")

        id: txt
        text: fileRemoved ? "File was removed :)": "File not removed"
        anchors.fill: parent
        wrapMode: Text.WordWrap

The fileName parameter

Example: "Bruce.txt"

bool removeFolder(string folderName)

Option 2. Removes the directory specified by folderName only if it is empty.

If folder is removed successfully, returns true. If folder is not removed successfully, returns false. If folder does not exists returns true.

Item {
    FileFolder {
        id: fileFolder
        path: AppFramework.userHomePath

        Component.onCompleted: folderRemoved = removeFolder("c:/temp/NewFolder")

        id: txt
        text: folderRemoved ? "Folder was removed :)": "Folder not removed"
        anchors.fill: parent
        wrapMode: Text.WordWrap

The folderName parameter

Examples: "Bruce" or "../Bruce" or "c:/temp/Bruce"

bool removeFolder(string folderName, bool recursive)

Removes the directory specified by folderName. If recursive is true removes the directory, including all its contents. If recursive is false removes the directory only if it is empty.

If folder is removed successfully, returns true. If folder is not removed successfully, returns false. If folder does not exists returns true.

Component.onCompleted: folderRemoved = removeFolder("c:/temp/NewFolder", false)

The folderName parameter

Examples: "Bruce" or "../Bruce" or "c:/temp/Bruce"

The recursive parameter

true/false. Default value is true.

bool removeFolder()

Remove directory including all its contents. With no parameters, removes the directory regardless of contents.

If folder is removed successfully, returns true. If folder is not removed successfully, returns false. If the folder does not exist, returns true.

bool removePath(string path)

Removes all directories in path if they are empty.

This sample removes the directories within the folder, rather than the folder itself.

Item {
    FileFolder {
        id: fileFolder
        path: AppFramework.userHomePath

        Component.onCompleted: folderRemoved = removePath("Bruce")

    Text {
        id: txt
        text: folderRemoved ? "Folder was removed :)": "Folder not removed"
        anchors.fill: parent
        wrapMode: Text.WordWrap

The path parameter

Examples: "./Bruce" or "c:/temp/Bruce"

bool renameFile(string oldFileName, string newFileName)

Renames a file or directory from oldName to newName, and returns true if successful; otherwise returns false.

This method can be used when moving an file to a different location. Extending the example from makePath, the following would move the file "documentImage.jpg" into the sub folder called New Folder:

onClicked: mediaFolder.renameFile("documentImage.jpg", mediaFolder.path + "/New Folder/" + "documentImage.jpg")

The oldFileName parameter

Example: "documentImage.jpg"

The newFileName parameter

Example: "Bruce.jpg" or mediaFolder.path + "/New Folder/" + "documentImage.jpg"

Settings settingsFile(string fileName)

Returns a settings object from a file that contains Settings information.

This sample displays a defined section of the settings file.

Item {
    FileFolder {
        id: fileFolder
        path: app.folder.path
        Component.onCompleted: {
            var appInfoSettings = settingsFile("appinfo.user");
            txt.text = verboseKey + " setting: " + appInfoSettings.boolValue(verboseKey);

        id: txt
        anchors.fill: parent
        wrapMode: Text.WordWrap

The fileName parameter

For example, "appInfo.user"

string toNativeSeparators(string pathName)

Returns the pathName parameter, with '/' separators converted to separators appropriate for the underlying operating system. For example, on Windows, toNativeSeparators("c:/winnt/system32") would return "c:\winnt\system32".

Be aware that on some platforms, the returned string will be the same as the parameter provided.

The pathName parameter

The file path name to convert the native separators of.

bool writeFile(string fileName, object content)

Write data to a file.

This sample writes a text file using the designated content.

Item {
    FileFolder {
        id: fileFolder
        path: app.folder.path
        Component.onCompleted: {
            var content = "AppStudio Rocks!";
            fileWritten = writeFile("MyFile.txt", content);

    Text {
        id: txt
        text: fileWritten ? "Written to file :)" : "Not Written"
        anchors.fill: parent
        wrapMode: Text.WordWrap

The fileName parameter

String value. Examples: "Bruce.txt" or "../Bruce.txt" or "c:/temp/Bruce.txt"

The content parameter

Examples: "Bruce" or {"name": "Bruce"} or [crack, a, tube, bruce]

bool writeFile(string fileName, object content, object options)

Write data to a file, with additional options available for decoding.

This sample creates a text file with given content and further optional properties, in this case decoding.

Item {
    FileFolder {
        id: fileFolder
        path: app.folder.path
        Component.onCompleted: {
            var content ="41707053747564696f20526f636b7321"
            var actual = folder.writeFile("MyFile.txt", content, {"decode": "hex" });

    Text {
        id: txt
        text: fileWritten ? "Written to file :)" : "Not Written"
        anchors.fill: parent
        wrapMode: Text.WordWrap

The fileName parameter

String value. Examples: "Bruce.txt" or "../Bruce.txt" or "c:/temp/Bruce.txt"

The content parameter

Examples: "Bruce" or {"name": "Bruce"} or [crack, a, tube, bruce]

The options parameter

Can accept the otpion to decode into one of two formats, hex or base64.

bool writeJsonFile(string fileName, object json)

Write a JSON object to file.

This sample writes a file with the designated content and format into a JSON file.

Item {
    FileFolder {
        id: fileFolder
        path: app.folder.path
        Component.onCompleted: {
            var content = {"name" : "Bruce"}
            fileWritten = writeJsonFile("Bruce.json", content)

    Text {
        id: txt
        text: fileWritten ? "Written to file :)" : "Not Written"
        anchors.fill: parent
        wrapMode: Text.WordWrap

The fileName parameter

String value. Examples: "Bruce.json" or "../Bruce.json" or "c:/temp/Bruce.json"

The json parameter


{"name" : "Bruce"}

bool writeTextFile(string fileName, string text)

Creates a file with the filename and writes the text. If the file exists it will be overwritten.

This sample writes a file with the designated content into a text file.

Item {
    FileFolder {
        id: fileFolder
        path: app.folder.path
        Component.onCompleted: {
            var content = "AppStudio Rocks!"
            fileWritten = writeTextFile("Bruce.txt", content)

    Text {
        id: txt
        text: fileWritten ? "Written to file :)" : "Not Written"
        anchors.fill: parent
        wrapMode: Text.WordWrap

The fileName parameter

String value. Examples: "Bruce.txt" or "../Bruce.txt" or "c:/temp/Bruce.txt"

The text parameter

Example: "AppStudio Rocks!"

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Create, manage, and access API keys and OAuth 2.0 developer credentials, hosted layers, and data services.

Your ArcGIS Location Platform dashboard

Manage billing, monitor service usage, and access additional resources.

Learn more about these changes in the What's new in Esri Developers June 2024 blog post.
