InputValidator QML Type

Scriptable input control validation. More...

Import Statement: import ArcGIS.AppFramework 1.0


Detailed Description

The InputValidator component can be used to check the validation of a JavaScript function, useful for placing in a text field or another field that requires validation of its contents. This component is primarily used through providing the JavaScript function to the validate property.

This code sample demonstrates a potential usage of the InputValidator component. The text field provided specifically declares invalid any sentence that doesn't end in a full stop, or contains the word 'unicorn'. An additional function is also used to replace the word 'canine' with 'dog'.

TextField {
    validator: InputValidator {
        validate: function (input, position) {
            if (input.match(/unicorn/)) {
                return InputValidator.Invalid

            while (input.match(/canine/)) {
                input = input.replace(/canine/, 'dog')
                position -= 6
                position += 3

            let state = InputValidator.Intermediate
            if (input.endsWith('.')) {
                state = InputValidator.Acceptable

            return { input, position, state }
    placeholderText: qsTr("Type in a sentence ending with a fullstop. Avoid using 'unicorn' and 'canine'!")
    text: "A dog is man's best friend."
    selectByMouse: true


_State enumeration


Property Documentation

locale : string

The locale for the validator. This will normally be the same as the system default. This is typically used to parse localized data.

validate : var

This property accepts two arguments: an input (which is a string), and a position (which must be a number). The names of these arguments come from the JavaScript function being validated, and are not standard; if an argument isn't used in the JavaScript function, it can be omitted. It then produces one of a number of different types of values, depending on the result of the function's validation itself.

This can return three types of values:

If validate returns a boolean, true indicates that the function's validation is acceptable. If false, the validation is a plausible intermediate value.

If validate returns a number, 0 indicates that the function is clearly invalid, 1 indicates that the result is a clear intermediate value that could eventually become valid, and 2 indicates that the result is acceptable. This is also expressed in enum form, using InputValidator.Invalid, InputValidator.Intermediate, or InputValidator.Acceptable.

If validate returns an object, it will include a number describing the state (as above), as well as optionally the new input value and position; if the input or value hasn't changed, then that will be omitted.

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