(BETA) Compose a pre-filled draft email for a system's email client. More...
Import Statement: | import ArcGIS.AppFramework.InterAppCommunication 1.0 |
- attachments : var
- bcc : var
- body : string
- cc : var
- error : EmailComposerError
- html : bool
- subject : string
- to : var
- show()
Detailed Description
The EmailComposer component allows you to launch a system email client with a pre-filled draft email, ready to send, modify, delete or save as a draft. In order to take advantage of this plugin, it's recommended that the system have a default mail client set up before use.
All mail clients are supported on Android. On macOS and iOS, this component only supports the Mail app provided by the OS. On Windows, this component only supports Outlook. On Linux, only Thunderbird is supported.
The following code sample demonstrates usage of EmailComposer. A basic email with pre-filled text can be opened in your default email client with the press of a button. If this fails, an error message will display.
Be aware that, as of 4.3, the onComposeError signal has been removed and replaced with the error property and onErrorChanged signal. Your app will not launch unless the onComposeError signal is replaced.
Item { EmailComposer { id: emailcomposer to: "max@abc.com" cc: ["dan@abc.com", "matt@abc.com"] bcc: "betty@abc.com" subject: "email subject" body: "AppStudio is awesome!" html: true onErrorChanged: { console.error("EmailComposer error:", JSON.stringify(error)); } } Button { id: openEmailButton text: qsTr("Show Email") onClicked: { emailcomposer.show() } } Text { id: error anchors.top: openEmailButton.bottom } }
Property Documentation
The absolute path to the pre-filled email attachments. More than one attachment can be set by providing a comma separated list.
You can use the following code to convert a file URL to an absolute path.
emailComposer.attachments = AppFramework.urlInfo(fileUrl).localFile;
On Windows, providing an attachment will disable the use of HTML in the email body.
Multiple attachments can be included by referring to a list.
App { id: app width: 400 height: 640 property var attachmentList : [] Button { id: selectFile text: "Select files and send email" onClicked: { docDialog.open() } } DocumentDialog { id: docDialog selectExisting: true selectMultiple: true selectFolder: false onAccepted: { attachmentList.push(fileUrls); console.log(attachmentList); emailComposer.attachments = attachmentList emailComposer.show() } } EmailComposer { id: emailComposer to: "example@email.com" subject: "Multiple Emails" body: "Please find the files in the attachments" } }
The pre-filled address or addresses to blind carbon copy (BCC) the email to. More than one address can be set by providing a comma separated list.
If you provide an empty string, the email will fail to open on Windows. This property is also not currently supported on macOS; instead, the email address ro addresses will be added to the TO field.
The pre-filled body of the email. This can include HTML tags on all platforms; however, if an attachment is provided on Windows, HTML tags will not be supported.
This property is required on some Linux machines.
The pre-filled address or addresses to carbon copy (CC) the email to. More than one address can be set by providing a comma separated list.
If you provide an empty string, the email will fail to open on Windows.
[read-only] error : EmailComposerError |
True if the body of the email contains HTML code. If false, the email will not parse HTML code and will display as plaintext.
This property becomes false if an attachment property is defined on Windows.
The address or addresses to send the email to. More than one address can be set by providing a comma separated list.