Provides static functions for host name lookups. More...
Import Statement: | import ArcGIS.AppFramework.Networking 1.0 |
- addresses : List<NetworkAddress>
- autoLookup : bool
- hostName : string
- lookup(string hostName)
Detailed Description
The NetworkHost component uses the lookup mechanisms provided by the operating system to find the IP address(es) associated with a host name, or the host name associated with an IP address.
This code sample demonstrates usage of the NetworkHost component. Pressing the button created by this sample will display information about a machine or IP address entered into the provided text area.
Item { property alias machineName: textField.text ColumnLayout { anchors.fill: parent anchors.margins: 10 spacing: 10 TextField { id: textField selectByMouse: true Layout.fillWidth: true placeholderText: qsTr("Enter machine name or an ip address") onAccepted: lookupMachineName() } Button { text: qsTr("Lookup") enabled: machineName.length > 0 onClicked: lookupMachineName() } Flickable { Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillHeight: true flickableDirection: Flickable.VerticalFlick contentHeight: textArea.height clip: true TextArea { id: textArea width: parent.width wrapMode: Text.WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere selectByMouse: true } } } NetworkHost { id: networkHost onAddressesChanged: listAddresses() } function textArea_log(str) { textArea.text = textArea.text + str + "\n"; } function lookupMachineName() { textArea_log(qsTr("Lookup %1 ...").arg(machineName)); textArea_log(""); networkHost.lookup(machineName); } function listAddresses() { for (var i in networkHost.addresses) { var networkAddress = networkHost.addresses[i]; textArea_log("Host name is " + networkHost.hostName); textArea_log("Address is " + networkAddress.address); textArea_log("Protocol is " + networkAddress.protocol); textArea_log("isMulticast is " + networkAddress.isMulticast.toString()); textArea_log("isLoopback is " + networkAddress.isLoopback.toString()); textArea_log(""); } } }
Property Documentation
[read-only] addresses : List<NetworkAddress> |
Returns a list of valid network addresses.
Method Documentation
Looks up the IP address or addresses associated with the given host name or vice versa, and returns an ID for the lookup. This is an asynchronous operation. To get the network addresses, use the onAddressesChanged signal.
The hostName parameter
The host name to find associated IP addresses for.