Information about individual visible satellites. More...
Import Statement: | import ArcGIS.AppFramework.Positioning 1.0 |
- azimuth : double
- elevation : double
- isInUse : bool
- satelliteIdentifier : int
- signalStrength : int
Detailed Description
The SatelliteInfo component provides information about individual satellites returned by SatelliteListModel. This component can only be instantiated from SatelliteListModel, and cannot be used independent from it.
Property Documentation
Returns true if the satellite is currently in use for positioning. Otherwise, returns false.
Returns the satellite identifier number. This number is used to identify a specific satellite inside the satellite system, however what this number represents differs depending on the system.
Returns the signal strength of the satellite. If this value is not available, returns -1.
Signal Documentation
Signal emitted when any of this component's properties change.
Note: The corresponding handler is onObjectChanged