An abstract list model for satellite strength, elevation, azimuth. More...
Import Statement: | import ArcGIS.AppFramework.Positioning 1.0 |
- count : int
- satelliteInfoAvailable : bool
- canProvideSatelliteInfoChanged()
- resetSatellitesInUse(QList<QGeoSatelliteInfo> inUseList)
Detailed Description
The SatelliteListModel component provides the collective information of every positioning satellite currently visible. This component can then be used to retrieve individual SatelliteInfo objects for each visible satellite.
SatelliteRoles enumeration
Name | Value |
SatelliteListModel.IdentifierRole | 257 |
SatelliteListModel.InUseRole | 258 |
SatelliteListModel.SignalStrengthRole | 259 |
SatelliteListModel.ElevationRole | 260 |
SatelliteListModel.AzimuthRole | 261 |
Property Documentation
Returns true if satellite information is currently available. Otherwise, returns false.
Signal Documentation
Signal emitted when the ability to obtain satellite info has changed.
Note: The corresponding handler is onCanProvideSatelliteInfoChanged
Note: The corresponding handler is onResetSatellitesInUse
Method Documentation
SatelliteInfo get(int index) |
Returns a SatelliteInfo object for the satellite with the given index.
The index parameter
The index number of the satellite you're creating a SatelliteInfo object for. This must be a number within the range given by the count property.