Provides information about satellites currently in use. More...
Import Statement: | import ArcGIS.AppFramework.Positioning 1.0 |
- active : bool
- name : string
- nmeaSource : object
- satellitesInUse : SatelliteListModel
- satellitesInView : SatelliteListModel
- sourceError : SourceError
- updateInterval : int
- valid : bool
- requestUpdate()
- start()
- stop()
Detailed Description
This code sample shows the usage of SatelliteInfoSource when connected to an external GNSS receiver.
SatelliteInfoSource { id: satelliteInfoSource active: true nmeaSource: nmeaSource onSatellitesInViewChanged: { for (var i = 0; i < satellitesInView.count; i++) { var info = satellitesInView.get(i); console.log("Satellite Info:", info.satelliteIdentifier, info.azimuth, info.elevation, info.signalStrength, info.isInUse) } } } NmeaSource { id: nmeaSource source: externalReceiver }
Satellite information from the internal GNSS receiver on Android devices can also be received. In this case the nmeaSource property must be undefined.
SourceError enumeration
This enum describes the types of errors faced by the class. Informs the sourceError property.
Name | Value |
SatelliteInfoSource.UnknownSourceError | -1 |
SatelliteInfoSource.AccessError | 0 |
SatelliteInfoSource.ClosedError | 1 |
SatelliteInfoSource.NoError | 2 |
SatelliteInfoSource.SocketError | 100 |
TalkerType enumeration
Name | Value |
SatelliteInfoSource.Unknown | 0 |
SatelliteInfoSource.Glonass | 1 |
SatelliteInfoSource.Gps | 2 |
SatelliteInfoSource.Mixed | 3 |
SatelliteInfoSource.LoranC | 4 |
SatelliteInfoSource.IntegratedInstrumentation | 8 |
SatelliteInfoSource.IntegratedNavigation | 16 |
SatelliteInfoSource.Ecdis | 32 |
SatelliteInfoSource.Dsc | 64 |
SatelliteInfoSource.Galileo | 128 |
SatelliteInfoSource.Beidou | 256 |
SatelliteInfoSource.Qzss | 512 |
Property Documentation
An NmeaSource object that provides satellite updates through NMEA sentences. Cannot be stored as a URL.
[read-only] satellitesInUse : SatelliteListModel |
Returns a SatelliteListModel of satellites that are being used to get a position fix.
[read-only] satellitesInView : SatelliteListModel |
Returns a SatelliteListModel of satellites in view.
Returns the last error encountered by the class. Informed by the SourceError property.
The update interval for the class in milliseconds. Default is 0, which will provide an update when available from the source.
Returns true if the class has a valid nmeaSource.
Signal Documentation
Signal emitted when the requestUpdate method times out.
Note: The corresponding handler is onRequestUpdateTimeout
Method Documentation
Starts emitting updates at regular intervals. These updates will be provided after the amount of milliseconds provided by the updateInterval property, or whenever new satellite information is available if updateInterval is 0.