(BETA) Controls automatic color and font formatting in a TextEdit component. More...
Import Statement: | import ArcGIS.AppFramework.Scripting 1.0 |
- commentFormat : TextCharFormat
- currentBlockState : int
- identifierFormat : TextCharFormat
- keywordFormat : TextCharFormat
- language : url
- numberFormat : TextCharFormat
- previousBlockState : int
- stringFormat : TextCharFormat
- textDocument : object
- highlightBlockText(string text)
- rehighlight()
- setFormat(int start, int count, object format)
Detailed Description
The SyntaxHighlighter component allows color and style of text displayed to be automatically formatted in a TextEdit object. This component supports colorizing C++, JavaScript, Python, SQL, Windows INI and Shell. The syntax highlight is configured by a TextMate grammar file in JSON format.
This component is reponsible for colorizing keywords like 'if' or 'for' in JavaScript differently than strings, numbers, comments and variable names.
The following code sample illustrates a potential way to apply JavaScript syntax highlighting rules to a TextEdit component. In this example, the TextMate grammar file JavaScript.tmLanguage.json must also be included with the app:
Item { TextEdit { id: textEdit text: [ "// JavaScript code snippet", "function sum(a, b) {", " return a + b;", "}" ].join("\n") } SyntaxHighlighter { textDocument: textEdit.textDocument language: "JavaScript.tmLanguage.json" } }
This component is in beta, and implementation is subject to change in future releases.
Property Documentation
[read-only] commentFormat : TextCharFormat |
Specifies the color and font style for all detected comments. Defaults to green.
Allows for reading and setting a custom syntax highlighting state. Reserved for JavaScript customization, final implementation is TBA.
[read-only] identifierFormat : TextCharFormat |
Specifies the color and format for all detected identifiers. Default is red.
[read-only] keywordFormat : TextCharFormat |
Specifies the color and format for all detected keywords. Default is cyan.
Provide the file URL for the TextMate grammar file in JSON that you're intending to use for syntax highlighting.
[read-only] numberFormat : TextCharFormat |
Specifies the color and format for all detected numbers. Default is blue.
Contains the custom syntax highlighting state of the previous block. This property is reserved for JavaScript customization, final implementation is TBA.
[read-only] stringFormat : TextCharFormat |
Specifies the color and font for all detected strings. Default is blue.
Set this to the TextEdit.textDocument property to activate syntax highlighting in that TextEdit component.
Signal Documentation
This signal is reserved for JavaScript customization. Final implementation is TBA.
Note: The corresponding handler is onHighlightBlockText
Method Documentation
Use this method to retrigger the automatic syntax highlighting. Use this method if the TextEdit document needs to refreshed, or if the syntax highlight options have changed.
Reserved for JavaScript customization. Final implementation is TBA.
The start parameter
The count parameter
The format parameter