Provides functions to describe database indexes. More...
Import Statement: | import ArcGIS.AppFramework.Sql 1.0 |
- count : int
- changed()
- SqlIndexField field(string name)
- SqlIndexField field(int index)
- string fieldName(int index)
- int indexOf(string name)
Detailed Description
The SqlIndex component provides functions to manipulate and describe database indexes. An index refers to a single table or view in a database. Information about the fields that comprise the index can be used to generate SQL statements.
The following code snippet uses SQL CREATE TABLE to create a table called "Assets". It then determines, in QML, the primary key "PK_Assets" whose field is "Asset_Id" by using SqlDatabase, SqlTable and SqlIndex.
There is currently a limitation preventing SqlIndex from determining all indexes in a table. As a workaround, you can use SqlQuery and a SQL statement specific for your database type. For example, in the case of SQLite this information can be obtained with PRAGMA INDEX_LIST and INDEX_INFO.
Item { TextArea { id: textArea anchors.fill: parent anchors.margins: 10 selectByMouse: true function log(txt) { text = text + txt + "\n"; } } SqlDatabase { id: db databaseName: ":memory:" } Component.onCompleted: {; db.query( [ "CREATE TABLE Assets ", "( ", " Asset_Id INTEGER NOT NULL, ", " Longitude REAL NOT NULL, ", " Latitude REAL NOT NULL, ", " Name TEXT NOT NULL, ", " Installation REAL NOT NULL, ", " Constraint PK_Assets PRIMARY KEY (Asset_Id) ", ") " ].join("\n")); db.query("CREATE INDEX IX_Assets_Coordinate On Assets (Longitude, Latitude) "); db.query("CREATE INDEX IX_Assets_Name On Assets (Name); "); var table = db.table("Assets"); var primaryKey = table.primaryKey; textArea.log("primaryKey.count: %1".arg(primaryKey.count)); textArea.log("primaryKey.fieldName(0): %1".arg(primaryKey.fieldName(0))); // The expected output from above is: // primaryKey.count: 1 // primaryKey.fieldName(0): Asset_Id // Workaround using PRAGMA INDEX_LIST to retrieve information not currently available in SqlIndex. var indexList = db.query( "PRAGMA INDEX_LIST('Assets')"); var okIndexList = indexList.first(); while (okIndexList) { textArea.log("indexList: %1".arg(JSON.stringify(indexList.values))); var indexInfo = db.query( "PRAGMA INDEX_INFO('%1')".arg( ); var okIndexInfo = indexInfo.first(); while (okIndexInfo) { textArea.log("indexInfo: %1".arg(JSON.stringify(indexInfo.values))); okIndexInfo =; } indexInfo.finish(); okIndexList =; } indexList.finish(); // The expected output from the workaround. // indexList: {"name":"IX_Assets_Name","origin":"c","partial":0,"seq":0,"unique":0} // indexInfo: {"cid":3,"name":"Name","seqno":0} // indexList: {"name":"IX_Assets_Coordinate","origin":"c","partial":0,"seq":1,"unique":0} // indexInfo: {"cid":1,"name":"Longitude","seqno":0} // indexInfo: {"cid":2,"name":"Latitude","seqno":1} } }
Property Documentation
Signal Documentation
Method Documentation
Returns the field called the given name.
The name parameter
The name of the field to return.
Returns the field at the given index name. If the index is out of range, this method returns a default-constructed value.
The index parameter
The index number of the field to return.
Returns the name of the field at the given index position. If the field does not exist, this method returns an empty string.
The index parameter
THe index position of the field to return the name of.
Returns the position of the field with the given name within the index. If no field with this name can be found, returns -1. If more than one field name matches, the first one is returned. Be aware that field names are not case-sensitive.
The name parameter
The name of the field to return the position of.