IImageResult Interface

Provides access to the Image Result Interface.

When To Use

Use IImageResult to access properties of MapServer output images.


Name Description
Read-only property Height The height of the image in pixels.
Read-only property MimeData Binary data representing the generated image.
Read-only property MimeType The MIME type of the generated image.
Read-only property ReferenceDPI The device resolution of the image specified in the request (dots per inch).
Read-only property URL The URL of the generated image.
Read-only property Width The width of the image in pixels.

IImageResult.Height Property

The height of the image in pixels.

Public ReadOnly Property Height As Integer
public int Height {get;}


In order to control the size of an exported map image, IMapServerInit contains two properties: MaxImageHeight and MaxImageWidth . The default value for these properties is 2048 pixels.

IImageResult.MimeData Property

Binary data representing the generated image.

Public ReadOnly Property MimeData As Byte[]
public Byte[] MimeData {get;}


If MIME is specified a stream of bytes is returned to the client.

IImageResult.MimeType Property

The MIME type of the generated image.

Public ReadOnly Property MimeType As String
public string MimeType {get;}

IImageResult.ReferenceDPI Property

The device resolution of the image specified in the request (dots per inch).

Public ReadOnly Property ReferenceDPI As Double
public double ReferenceDPI {get;}

IImageResult.URL Property

The URL of the generated image.

Public ReadOnly Property URL As String
public string URL {get;}


If URL is specified the image is stored as a file at the specified location (Physical Output Directory) and can be accessed by internet clients through the Virtual Output Directory.

IImageResult.Width Property

The width of the image in pixels.

Public ReadOnly Property Width As Integer
public int Width {get;}


In order to control the size of an exported map image, IMapServerInit contains two properties: MaxImageHeight and MaxImageWidth . The default value for these properties is 2048 pixels.

Classes that implement IImageResult

Classes Description
ImageResult The Image Result coclass contains information about the generated image.
LayoutImage The Layout Image coclass contains information about the generated layout image.
MapImage The Map Image coclass contains information about the generated map image.


MapServer output is created using ExportMapImage on IMapServer and the following methods on IMapServerLayout: ExportLayout, ExportLegend, ExportNorthArrow and ExportScaleBar. SymbolImage on MapServerLegendClass is also an ImageResult. In order to control the size of an exported map image, IMapServerInit contains two properties: MaxImageHeight and MaxImageWidth . The default value for these properties is 2048 pixels.

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