IMapServerLegendPatch Interface

Provides access to the Map Server Legend Patch Interface.

When To Use

A MapServerLegendPatch object is a parameter of the GetLegendInfo method on IMapServer. Use IMapServerLegendPatch to customize the size of the legend patch and the shape of the symbol displayed on the patch. To export a single image of the legend use ExportLegend on IMapServerLayout.


Name Description
Read/write property AreaPatch The area patch.
Read/write property LinePatch The line patch.
Read/write property PatchHeight The patch height (in points).
Read/write property PatchResolution The patch resolution (dots per inch).
Read/write property PatchWidth The patch width (in points).

IMapServerLegendPatch.AreaPatch Property

The area patch.

Public Property AreaPatch As IAreaPatch
public IAreaPatch AreaPatch {get; set;}


Assign a custom shape to the symbol such as a triangle or rounded polygon.

IMapServerLegendPatch.LinePatch Property

The line patch.

Public Property LinePatch As ILinePatch
public ILinePatch LinePatch {get; set;}


Assign a custom line shape to the symbol such as a zigzag line.

IMapServerLegendPatch.PatchHeight Property

The patch height (in points).

Public Property PatchHeight As Double
public double PatchHeight {get; set;}


Changing the size of the legend patch will not change the size of the symbol. It only changes the size of the patch surrounding the symbol. The size of the symbol is determined by the properties of the symbol itself. The symbol will increase in size if AreaPatch or LinePatch are used. A size should be specified. Entering 0 may lead to unexpected results.

IMapServerLegendPatch.PatchResolution Property

The patch resolution (dots per inch).

Public Property PatchResolution As Double
public double PatchResolution {get; set;}

IMapServerLegendPatch.PatchWidth Property

The patch width (in points).

Public Property PatchWidth As Double
public double PatchWidth {get; set;}


Changing the size of the legend patch will not change the size of the symbol. It only changes the size of the patch surrounding the symbol. The size of the symbol is determined by the properties of the symbol itself. The symbol will increase in size if AreaPatch or LinePatch are used. A size should be specified. Entering 0 may lead to unexpected results.

Classes that implement IMapServerLegendPatch

Classes Description
MapServerLegendPatch The Map Server Legend Patch coclass contains settings about a legend patch.


A legend patch is a rectangular image with an individual polygon, line or point symbol associated with a particular legend class. Use PatchHeight and PatchWidth to change the size of the legend patch. Use AreaPatch**or LinePatch** to change the shape of the symbol. If the goal is only to change the size of the patch and to retain the default shape, AreaPatch and LinePatch do not have to be set.

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