IImageServer Interface

Provides access to members that control an image server.


Name Description
Method Add Adds a list of raster items for sharing with other users (roles).
Method ComputeHistograms Computes histograms within an area of interest.
Method Delete Deletes a given list of raster items (images).
Method Download Clips images to a given geometry, and returns a list of downloadable files for a given set of catalog item IDs.
Method ExecuteAISRequest Executes an AIS request.
Method ExportImage Exports into a well-known image for a given image description.
Read-only property Fields The fields of the image catalog.
Method GenerateServiceInfo Generates the image service information as if a given rendering rule is applied.
Method GetCatalogItemCount Gets the catalog item count for a given query filter.
Method GetCatalogItemIDs Gets the catalog item IDs for a given query filter.
Method GetCatalogItems Gets the catalog items for a given query filter.
Method GetFile Get the URL to a given download result.
Method GetImage Gets an image for a given image description.
Method GetImageCoordinateSystem Gets the image coordinate system of a given raster.
Method GetImageSupportData Gets the image support data.
Method GetKeyProperties Gets the service key properties based on a rendering rule.
Method GetNativePixelBlock Gets a pixel block at a given block location for a specified raw source raster.
Method GetNativeRasterInfo Gets raster information of all raw source rasters for a given raster catalog item.
Method GetPixelBlock Gets a pixel block at a given block location.
Method GetRasterInfo Gets the image information of a given raster catalog item.
Method GetRasterKeyProperties The key properties for a given raster catalog item.
Method GetRasterMetadata Gets the metadata of a given raster catalog item.
Method GetSensorProperties Gets the image coordinate system of a given raster.
Method GetThumbnail Gets the thumbnail image of a given raster catalog item.
Method Identify Identifies the pixel value and catalog items at the given location.
Method IdentifyAll Identifies the pixel values and all catalog items at the given one or more locations.
Read-only property KeyProperties The image service key properties.
Method Measure Measures distance, angle, area, perimeter, and height.
Read-only property Metadata The image service metadata.
Read-only property MultidimensionalInfo The image service multidimensional info.
Read-only property RasterAttributeTable The raster attribute table.
Read-only property ServiceInfo The properties of the image service provided.
Method Update Updates a given list of raster items (images).
Read-only property Version The Image Server version number.

IImageServer.Add Method

Adds a list of raster items for sharing with other users (roles).

Public Function Add ( _
    ByVal pItemDescriptions As IRasterItemDescriptions _
) As IImageServerEditResults
public IImageServerEditResults Add (
    IRasterItemDescriptions pItemDescriptions

IImageServer.ComputeHistograms Method

Computes histograms within an area of interest.

Public Function ComputeHistograms ( _
    ByVal pGeometry As IGeometry, _
    ByVal pMosaicRule As IMosaicRule, _
    ByVal pCellsize As IPoint, _
    ByVal pRenderingRule As IRenderingRule _
) As IRasterHistograms
public IRasterHistograms ComputeHistograms (
    IGeometry pGeometry,
    IMosaicRule pMosaicRule,
    IPoint pCellsize,
    IRenderingRule pRenderingRule

IImageServer.Delete Method

Deletes a given list of raster items (images).

Public Function Delete ( _
    ByVal pRIDs As IFIDSet _
) As IImageServerEditResults
public IImageServerEditResults Delete (
    IFIDSet pRIDs

IImageServer.Download Method

Clips images to a given geometry, and returns a list of downloadable files for a given set of catalog item IDs.

Public Function Download ( _
    ByVal pFIDs As IFIDSet, _
    ByVal pGeometry As IGeometry, _
    ByVal Format As String _
) As IImageServerDownloadResults
public IImageServerDownloadResults Download (
    IFIDSet pFIDs,
    IGeometry pGeometry,
    string Format

IImageServer.ExecuteAISRequest Method

Executes an AIS request.

Public Function ExecuteAISRequest ( _
    ByVal pRequest As IAISRequest _
) As String
public string ExecuteAISRequest (
    IAISRequest pRequest

IImageServer.ExportImage Method

Exports into a well-known image for a given image description.

Public Function ExportImage ( _
    ByVal pImageDescription As IGeoImageDescription, _
    ByVal pImageType As IImageType _
) As IImageResult
public IImageResult ExportImage (
    IGeoImageDescription pImageDescription,
    IImageType pImageType

IImageServer.Fields Property

The fields of the image catalog.

Public ReadOnly Property Fields As IFields
public IFields Fields {get;}

IImageServer.GenerateServiceInfo Method

Generates the image service information as if a given rendering rule is applied.

Public Function GenerateServiceInfo ( _
    ByVal pRenderingRule As IRenderingRule _
) As IImageServiceInfo
public IImageServiceInfo GenerateServiceInfo (
    IRenderingRule pRenderingRule

IImageServer.GetCatalogItemCount Method

Gets the catalog item count for a given query filter.

Public Function GetCatalogItemCount ( _
    ByVal pFilter As IQueryFilter _
) As Integer
public int GetCatalogItemCount (
    IQueryFilter pFilter

IImageServer.GetCatalogItemIDs Method

Gets the catalog item IDs for a given query filter.

Public Function GetCatalogItemIDs ( _
    ByVal pFilter As IQueryFilter _
) As IFIDSet
public IFIDSet GetCatalogItemIDs (
    IQueryFilter pFilter

IImageServer.GetCatalogItems Method

Gets the catalog items for a given query filter.

Public Function GetCatalogItems ( _
    ByVal pFilter As IQueryFilter _
) As IRecordSet
public IRecordSet GetCatalogItems (
    IQueryFilter pFilter

IImageServer.GetFile Method

Get the URL to a given download result.

Public Function GetFile ( _
    ByVal pFile As IImageServerDownloadResult _
) As String
public string GetFile (
    IImageServerDownloadResult pFile

IImageServer.GetImage Method

Gets an image for a given image description.

Public Function GetImage ( _
    ByVal pImageDescription As IGeoImageDescription _
) As Byte[]
public Byte[] GetImage (
    IGeoImageDescription pImageDescription

IImageServer.GetImageCoordinateSystem Method

Gets the image coordinate system of a given raster.

Public Function GetImageCoordinateSystem ( _
    ByVal RID As Integer _
) As ISpatialReference
public ISpatialReference GetImageCoordinateSystem (
    int RID

IImageServer.GetImageSupportData Method

Gets the image support data.

Public Function GetImageSupportData ( _
    ByVal RID As Integer _
) As String
public string GetImageSupportData (
    int RID

IImageServer.GetKeyProperties Method

Gets the service key properties based on a rendering rule.

Public Function GetKeyProperties ( _
    ByVal pRenderingRule As IRenderingRule _
) As IPropertySet
public IPropertySet GetKeyProperties (
    IRenderingRule pRenderingRule

IImageServer.GetNativePixelBlock Method

Gets a pixel block at a given block location for a specified raw source raster.

Public Function GetNativePixelBlock ( _
    ByVal RID As Integer, _
    ByVal IID As Integer, _
    ByVal tx As Integer, _
    ByVal ty As Integer, _
    ByVal Level As Integer _
) As Byte[]
public Byte[] GetNativePixelBlock (
    int RID,
    int IID,
    int tx,
    int ty,
    int Level

IImageServer.GetNativeRasterInfo Method

Gets raster information of all raw source rasters for a given raster catalog item.

Public Function GetNativeRasterInfo ( _
    ByVal RID As Integer _
) As IRasterInfos
public IRasterInfos GetNativeRasterInfo (
    int RID

IImageServer.GetPixelBlock Method

Gets a pixel block at a given block location.

Public Function GetPixelBlock ( _
    ByVal RID As Integer, _
    ByVal tx As Integer, _
    ByVal ty As Integer, _
    ByVal Level As Integer _
) As Byte[]
public Byte[] GetPixelBlock (
    int RID,
    int tx,
    int ty,
    int Level

IImageServer.GetRasterInfo Method

Gets the image information of a given raster catalog item.

Public Function GetRasterInfo ( _
    ByVal RID As Integer _
) As IRasterInfo
public IRasterInfo GetRasterInfo (
    int RID

IImageServer.GetRasterKeyProperties Method

The key properties for a given raster catalog item.

Public Function GetRasterKeyProperties ( _
    ByVal RID As Integer _
) As IPropertySet
public IPropertySet GetRasterKeyProperties (
    int RID

IImageServer.GetRasterMetadata Method

Gets the metadata of a given raster catalog item.

Public Function GetRasterMetadata ( _
    ByVal RID As Integer _
) As String
public string GetRasterMetadata (
    int RID

IImageServer.GetSensorProperties Method

Gets the image coordinate system of a given raster.

Public Function GetSensorProperties ( _
    ByVal RID As Integer _
) As IPropertySet
public IPropertySet GetSensorProperties (
    int RID

IImageServer.GetThumbnail Method

Gets the thumbnail image of a given raster catalog item.

Public Function GetThumbnail ( _
    ByVal RID As Integer _
) As IImageResult
public IImageResult GetThumbnail (
    int RID

IImageServer.Identify Method

Identifies the pixel value and catalog items at the given location.

Public Function Identify ( _
    ByVal pLocation As IGeometry, _
    ByVal pMosaicRule As IMosaicRule, _
    ByVal pCellsize As IPoint _
) As IImageServerIdentifyResult
public IImageServerIdentifyResult Identify (
    IGeometry pLocation,
    IMosaicRule pMosaicRule,
    IPoint pCellsize

IImageServer.IdentifyAll Method

Identifies the pixel values and all catalog items at the given one or more locations.

Public Function IdentifyAll ( _
    ByVal pLocations As IGeometry, _
    ByVal pMosaicRule As IMosaicRule, _
    ByVal pCellsize As IPoint, _
    ByVal pRenderingRule As IRenderingRule, _
    ByVal options As String _
) As IImageServerIdentifyResults
public IImageServerIdentifyResults IdentifyAll (
    IGeometry pLocations,
    IMosaicRule pMosaicRule,
    IPoint pCellsize,
    IRenderingRule pRenderingRule,
    string options

IImageServer.KeyProperties Property

The image service key properties.

Public ReadOnly Property KeyProperties As IPropertySet
public IPropertySet KeyProperties {get;}

IImageServer.Measure Method

Measures distance, angle, area, perimeter, and height.

Public Function Measure ( _
    ByVal pFrom As IGeometry, _
    ByVal pTo As IGeometry, _
    ByVal pMosaicRule As IMosaicRule, _
    ByVal pCellsize As IPoint, _
    ByVal operation As esriMensurationOperation _
) As IImageServerMeasureResult
public IImageServerMeasureResult Measure (
    IGeometry pFrom,
    IGeometry pTo,
    IMosaicRule pMosaicRule,
    IPoint pCellsize,
    esriMensurationOperation operation

IImageServer.Metadata Property

The image service metadata.

Public ReadOnly Property Metadata As String
public string Metadata {get;}

IImageServer.MultidimensionalInfo Property

The image service multidimensional info.

Public ReadOnly Property MultidimensionalInfo As IMultidimensionalInfo
public IMultidimensionalInfo MultidimensionalInfo {get;}

IImageServer.RasterAttributeTable Property

The raster attribute table.

Public ReadOnly Property RasterAttributeTable As IRecordSet
public IRecordSet RasterAttributeTable {get;}

IImageServer.ServiceInfo Property

The properties of the image service provided.

Public ReadOnly Property ServiceInfo As IImageServiceInfo
public IImageServiceInfo ServiceInfo {get;}

IImageServer.Update Method

Updates a given list of raster items (images).

Public Function Update ( _
    ByVal pRIDs As IFIDSet, _
    ByVal pItemDescriptions As IRasterItemDescriptions _
) As IImageServerEditResults
public IImageServerEditResults Update (
    IFIDSet pRIDs,
    IRasterItemDescriptions pItemDescriptions

IImageServer.Version Property

The Image Server version number.

Public ReadOnly Property Version As Single
public float Version {get;}

Classes that implement IImageServer

Classes Description
ImageServer The ArcGIS Server Image Server class.

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