IImageServiceInfo Interface

Provides access to the properties of an image service.


Name Description
Read/write property AllowedCompressions The list of allowed client controllable transmition compressions.
Read/write property AllowedFields The list of visible field names.
Read/write property AllowedItemMetadata The level of item metadata details.
Read/write property AllowedMosaicMethods The list of allowed client controllable mosaic methods.
Read-only property BandCount The number of bands.
Read-only property Colormap The raster colormap.
Read/write property CopyrightText Copyright information associated with the image service.
Read/write property DefaultCompression The default transmission compression, None, LZ77, JPEG.
Read/write property DefaultCompressionQuality The default transmission compression quality (1-100).
Read/write property DefaultMosaicMethod The default mosaic method.
Read/write property DefaultResamplingMethod The default resampling method.
Read/write property DefaultServiceProperties The default service properties.
Read-only property Description The description of the image service.
Read/write property EndTimeFieldName The end time field name.
Read-only property Extent The extent of the image service.
Method GetHistogram Get the histogram of a given band.
Method GetPixelSize Gets the pxiel size of the image service, in its native units.
Method GetStatistics Gets the statistics of a given band.
Read/write property HasRasterAttributeTable Indicates if a raster attribute table exists.
Read-only property Histograms The histogram of a given band.
Read/write property MaxDownloadImageCount The maximum number of images allowed for download.
Write-only property MaximumPixelSize The maximum visible pixel size.
Read-only property MaximumPixelSize The maximum visible pixel size.
Read/write property MaxMosaicImageCount The maximum number of images allowed for mosaic.
Read-only property MaxNCols The maximum number of colums this service supports.
Write-only property MaxNCols The maximum number of colums this service supports.
Read-only property MaxNRows The maximum number of rows this service supports.
Write-only property MaxNRows The maximum number of rows this service supports.
Read/write property MaxRecordCount The maximum number of records returned for query results.
Read/write property MaxScale The maximum visible scale for the service.
Read/write property MensurationCapabilities The list of available mensuration capabilities.
Read-only property MinimumPixelSize The minimum visible pixel size.
Write-only property MinimumPixelSize The minimum visible pixel size.
Read/write property MinScale The minimum visible scale for the service.
Read-only property Name The name of the image service.
Read-only property NoData The NoData (background) value of the image service.
Read-only property PixelType The pixel type of the image service.
Read/write property RasterFunctions The list of available server raster functions.
Read/write property RasterTypes The list of allowed raster type names for adding rasters.
Read/write property ServiceDataType The data type of the image service.
Read/write property ServiceSourceType The image service data source type.
Read-only property SpatialReference The spatial reference of the image service.
Read/write property StartTimeFieldName The start time field name.
Read/write property SupportBSQ Indicates if output can be generated in BSQ pixel interleave format.
Read/write property SupportsTime Indicates if time is supported.
Read/write property TimeExtent The time extent.
Read/write property TimeReference The time reference.
Read/write property TimeValueFormat The time value format.

IImageServiceInfo.AllowedCompressions Property

The list of allowed client controllable transmition compressions.

Public Property AllowedCompressions As String
public string AllowedCompressions {get; set;}

IImageServiceInfo.AllowedFields Property

The list of visible field names.

Public Property AllowedFields As String
public string AllowedFields {get; set;}

IImageServiceInfo.AllowedItemMetadata Property

The level of item metadata details.

Public Property AllowedItemMetadata As String
public string AllowedItemMetadata {get; set;}

IImageServiceInfo.AllowedMosaicMethods Property

The list of allowed client controllable mosaic methods.

Public Property AllowedMosaicMethods As String
public string AllowedMosaicMethods {get; set;}

IImageServiceInfo.BandCount Property

The number of bands.

Public ReadOnly Property BandCount As Integer
public int BandCount {get;}

IImageServiceInfo.Colormap Property

The raster colormap.

Public ReadOnly Property Colormap As IRasterColormap
public IRasterColormap Colormap {get;}

IImageServiceInfo.CopyrightText Property

Copyright information associated with the image service.

Public Property CopyrightText As String
public string CopyrightText {get; set;}

IImageServiceInfo.DefaultCompression Property

The default transmission compression, None, LZ77, JPEG.

Public Property DefaultCompression As String
public string DefaultCompression {get; set;}

IImageServiceInfo.DefaultCompressionQuality Property

The default transmission compression quality (1-100).

Public Property DefaultCompressionQuality As Integer
public int DefaultCompressionQuality {get; set;}

IImageServiceInfo.DefaultMosaicMethod Property

The default mosaic method.

Public Property DefaultMosaicMethod As esriMosaicMethod
public esriMosaicMethod DefaultMosaicMethod {get; set;}

IImageServiceInfo.DefaultResamplingMethod Property

The default resampling method.

Public Property DefaultResamplingMethod As rstResamplingTypes
public rstResamplingTypes DefaultResamplingMethod {get; set;}

IImageServiceInfo.DefaultServiceProperties Property

The default service properties.

Public Property DefaultServiceProperties As String
public string DefaultServiceProperties {get; set;}

IImageServiceInfo.Description Property

The description of the image service.

Public ReadOnly Property Description As String
public string Description {get;}

IImageServiceInfo.EndTimeFieldName Property

The end time field name.

Public Property EndTimeFieldName As String
public string EndTimeFieldName {get; set;}

IImageServiceInfo.Extent Property

The extent of the image service.

Public ReadOnly Property Extent As IEnvelope
public IEnvelope Extent {get;}

IImageServiceInfo.GetHistogram Method

Get the histogram of a given band.

Public Function GetHistogram ( _
    ByVal iBand As Integer _
) As IRasterHistogram
public IRasterHistogram GetHistogram (
    int iBand

IImageServiceInfo.GetPixelSize Method

Gets the pxiel size of the image service, in its native units.

Public Sub GetPixelSize ( _
    ByRef pDx As Double, _
    ByRef pDy As Double _
public void GetPixelSize (
    ref double pDx,
    ref double pDy

IImageServiceInfo.GetStatistics Method

Gets the statistics of a given band.

Public Sub GetStatistics ( _
    ByVal iBand As Integer, _
    ByRef pMin As Double, _
    ByRef pMax As Double, _
    ByRef pMean As Double, _
    ByRef pStdv As Double _
public void GetStatistics (
    int iBand,
    ref double pMin,
    ref double pMax,
    ref double pMean,
    ref double pStdv

IImageServiceInfo.HasRasterAttributeTable Property

Indicates if a raster attribute table exists.

Public Property HasRasterAttributeTable As Boolean
public bool HasRasterAttributeTable {get; set;}

IImageServiceInfo.Histograms Property

The histogram of a given band.

Public ReadOnly Property Histograms As IRasterHistograms
public IRasterHistograms Histograms {get;}

IImageServiceInfo.MaxDownloadImageCount Property

The maximum number of images allowed for download.

Public Property MaxDownloadImageCount As Integer
public int MaxDownloadImageCount {get; set;}

IImageServiceInfo.MaximumPixelSize Property

The maximum visible pixel size.

Public Property MaximumPixelSize As Double
public double MaximumPixelSize {get; set;}

IImageServiceInfo.MaximumPixelSize Property

The maximum visible pixel size.

Public Property MaximumPixelSize As Double
public double MaximumPixelSize {get; set;}

IImageServiceInfo.MaxMosaicImageCount Property

The maximum number of images allowed for mosaic.

Public Property MaxMosaicImageCount As Integer
public int MaxMosaicImageCount {get; set;}

IImageServiceInfo.MaxNCols Property

The maximum number of colums this service supports.

Public Property MaxNCols As Integer
public int MaxNCols {get; set;}

IImageServiceInfo.MaxNCols Property

The maximum number of colums this service supports.

Public Property MaxNCols As Integer
public int MaxNCols {get; set;}

IImageServiceInfo.MaxNRows Property

The maximum number of rows this service supports.

Public Property MaxNRows As Integer
public int MaxNRows {get; set;}

IImageServiceInfo.MaxNRows Property

The maximum number of rows this service supports.

Public Property MaxNRows As Integer
public int MaxNRows {get; set;}

IImageServiceInfo.MaxRecordCount Property

The maximum number of records returned for query results.

Public Property MaxRecordCount As Integer
public int MaxRecordCount {get; set;}

IImageServiceInfo.MaxScale Property

The maximum visible scale for the service.

Public Property MaxScale As Double
public double MaxScale {get; set;}

IImageServiceInfo.MensurationCapabilities Property

The list of available mensuration capabilities.

Public Property MensurationCapabilities As String
public string MensurationCapabilities {get; set;}

IImageServiceInfo.MinimumPixelSize Property

The minimum visible pixel size.

Public Property MinimumPixelSize As Double
public double MinimumPixelSize {get; set;}

IImageServiceInfo.MinimumPixelSize Property

The minimum visible pixel size.

Public Property MinimumPixelSize As Double
public double MinimumPixelSize {get; set;}

IImageServiceInfo.MinScale Property

The minimum visible scale for the service.

Public Property MinScale As Double
public double MinScale {get; set;}

IImageServiceInfo.Name Property

The name of the image service.

Public ReadOnly Property Name As String
public string Name {get;}

IImageServiceInfo.NoData Property

The NoData (background) value of the image service.

Public ReadOnly Property NoData As Object
public object NoData {get;}

IImageServiceInfo.PixelType Property

The pixel type of the image service.

Public ReadOnly Property PixelType As rstPixelType
public rstPixelType PixelType {get;}

IImageServiceInfo.RasterFunctions Property

The list of available server raster functions.

Public Property RasterFunctions As IRasterFunctionInfos
public IRasterFunctionInfos RasterFunctions {get; set;}

IImageServiceInfo.RasterTypes Property

The list of allowed raster type names for adding rasters.

Public Property RasterTypes As IRasterTypeInfos
public IRasterTypeInfos RasterTypes {get; set;}

IImageServiceInfo.ServiceDataType Property

The data type of the image service.

Public Property ServiceDataType As esriImageServiceDataType
public esriImageServiceDataType ServiceDataType {get; set;}

IImageServiceInfo.ServiceSourceType Property

The image service data source type.

Public Property ServiceSourceType As esriImageServiceSourceType
public esriImageServiceSourceType ServiceSourceType {get; set;}

IImageServiceInfo.SpatialReference Property

The spatial reference of the image service.

Public ReadOnly Property SpatialReference As ISpatialReference
public ISpatialReference SpatialReference {get;}

IImageServiceInfo.StartTimeFieldName Property

The start time field name.

Public Property StartTimeFieldName As String
public string StartTimeFieldName {get; set;}

IImageServiceInfo.SupportBSQ Property

Indicates if output can be generated in BSQ pixel interleave format.

Public Property SupportBSQ As Boolean
public bool SupportBSQ {get; set;}

IImageServiceInfo.SupportsTime Property

Indicates if time is supported.

Public Property SupportsTime As Boolean
public bool SupportsTime {get; set;}

IImageServiceInfo.TimeExtent Property

The time extent.

Public Property TimeExtent As ITimeExtent
public ITimeExtent TimeExtent {get; set;}

IImageServiceInfo.TimeReference Property

The time reference.

Public Property TimeReference As ITimeReference
public ITimeReference TimeReference {get; set;}

IImageServiceInfo.TimeValueFormat Property

The time value format.

Public Property TimeValueFormat As String
public string TimeValueFormat {get; set;}

Classes that implement IImageServiceInfo

Classes Description
ImageServiceInfo A class that provides information on an ArcGIS server image service.

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