IMapServerIdentifyResults Interface

Provides access to the Map Server Identify Results Interface.


Name Description
Method Add Adds an identify result.
Read-only property Count The identify result count.
Read-only property Element The identify result at the specified position.
Method Insert Adds an identify result at the specified position.
Method Remove Removes the identify result at the specified position.
Method RemoveAll Removes all identify results.

IMapServerIdentifyResults.Add Method

Adds an identify result.

Public Sub Add ( _
    ByVal identifyResult As IMapServerIdentifyResult _
public void Add (
    IMapServerIdentifyResult identifyResult

IMapServerIdentifyResults.Count Property

The identify result count.

Public ReadOnly Property Count As Integer
public int Count {get;}

IMapServerIdentifyResults.Element Property

The identify result at the specified position.

Public Function get_Element ( _
    ByVal Index As Integer _
) As IMapServerIdentifyResult
public IMapServerIdentifyResult get_Element (
    int Index

IMapServerIdentifyResults.Insert Method

Adds an identify result at the specified position.

Public Sub Insert ( _
    ByVal Index As Integer, _
    ByVal identifyResult As IMapServerIdentifyResult _
public void Insert (
    int Index,
    IMapServerIdentifyResult identifyResult

IMapServerIdentifyResults.Remove Method

Removes the identify result at the specified position.

Public Sub Remove ( _
    ByVal Index As Integer _
public void Remove (
    int Index

IMapServerIdentifyResults.RemoveAll Method

Removes all identify results.

Public Sub RemoveAll ( _
public void RemoveAll (

Classes that implement IMapServerIdentifyResults

Classes Description
MapServerIdentifyResults A collection of Map Server Identify Result objects.


In order to control the amount of information MapServer needs to process for a query, a maximum number of records can be set. This value is contained in the MaxRecordCount property. The default value for this property is 500. If 600 features match a given query only the first 500 results will be returned. You will be unable to access the remaining 100 records. To be able to access these records the MaxRecordCount would need to be increased to 600. MaxRecordCount affects the following IMapServer methods: Find, Identify, QueryFeatureData, and QueryHyperlinks. It does not affect QueryFeatureCount, QueryFeatureIDs or the number of Rowsof a MapServerRelationship. The MaxRecordCount can also be changed by modifying the MaxRecordCount XML tag in the MapServer's configuration file.

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