IMapServerInfo Interface

Provides access to the available properties of a map server info object.


Name Description
Read-only property BackgroundColor The background color of the map (data frame).
Read-only property Bookmarks The published bookmarks for the map.
Read-only property CopyrightText Copyright information associated with the layer.
Read-only property DefaultMapDescription The default map settings.
Read-only property Description The description of the map (data frame). This property is set in the General tab of the Data Frame Properties dialog.
Read-only property Extent The current extent of the map (data frame).
Read-only property FullExtent The full extent of the map (data frame).
Read-only property MapLayerInfos A collection of Map Layer Info objects, each containing information about a layer in the map (data frame).
Read-only property MapUnits The units for the map (data frame).
Read-only property MaxScale The maximum visible scale for the service.
Read-only property MinScale The minimum visible scale for the service.
Read-only property Name The name of the map (data frame).
Read-only property StandaloneTableDescriptions Standalone tables descriptions that can passed in to other methods.
Read-only property StandaloneTableInfos Standalone tables infromation in a given map.

IMapServerInfo.BackgroundColor Property

The background color of the map (data frame).

Public ReadOnly Property BackgroundColor As IColorDescription
public IColorDescription BackgroundColor {get;}


The background color is set in the map document itself. If background color is not explicitly set in the original mxd, the default color is set to an off-white color (RGB value of 253,253,253).

IMapServerInfo.Bookmarks Property

The published bookmarks for the map.

Public ReadOnly Property Bookmarks As IMapServerBookmarks
public IMapServerBookmarks Bookmarks {get;}


Bookmarks are set in the map document itself.

IMapServerInfo.CopyrightText Property

Copyright information associated with the layer.

Public ReadOnly Property CopyrightText As String
public string CopyrightText {get;}

IMapServerInfo.DefaultMapDescription Property

The default map settings.

Public ReadOnly Property DefaultMapDescription As IMapDescription
public IMapDescription DefaultMapDescription {get;}


The DefaultMapDescription refers to map settings set in the original map document. Changes to map settings using IMapDescription are temporary and do not affect the default map description returned by DefaultMapDescription.

The default settings for a MapServer object can be changed in two ways. First, you can make changes to the original map document and reinitialize the MapServer object. The other way to change the DefaultMapDescription is to use IMapServerObjects to access the fine-grained ArcObjects that the map settings are based, make the desired changes, and use the RefreshServerObjects method to overwite the old DefaultMapDescription with a new one. This should be done with objects in a non-pooled environment. Changing the state of pooled objects this way will lead to unexpected results.

IMapServerInfo.Description Property

The description of the map (data frame). This property is set in the General tab of the Data Frame Properties dialog.

Public ReadOnly Property Description As String
public string Description {get;}

IMapServerInfo.Extent Property

The current extent of the map (data frame).

Public ReadOnly Property Extent As IEnvelope
public IEnvelope Extent {get;}


This is the extent of the DefaultMapDescription.

IMapServerInfo.FullExtent Property

The full extent of the map (data frame).

Public ReadOnly Property FullExtent As IEnvelope
public IEnvelope FullExtent {get;}


The full extent of the map can either be the combined extent of all layers within the map or a custom full extent set by on the data frame by the author of the map document being served.

IMapServerInfo.MapLayerInfos Property

A collection of Map Layer Info objects, each containing information about a layer in the map (data frame).

Public ReadOnly Property MapLayerInfos As IMapLayerInfos
public IMapLayerInfos MapLayerInfos {get;}

IMapServerInfo.MapUnits Property

The units for the map (data frame).

Public ReadOnly Property MapUnits As esriUnits
public esriUnits MapUnits {get;}


The map units are set in the map document itself and cannot be changed using MapServer. The map's original spatial reference determines the units. Changing the SpatialReference property of IMapDescription will not change the value of the MapUnits property onIMapServerInfo.

IMapServerInfo.MaxScale Property

The maximum visible scale for the service.

Public ReadOnly Property MaxScale As Double
public double MaxScale {get;}

IMapServerInfo.MinScale Property

The minimum visible scale for the service.

Public ReadOnly Property MinScale As Double
public double MinScale {get;}

IMapServerInfo.Name Property

The name of the map (data frame).

Public ReadOnly Property Name As String
public string Name {get;}


If two (or more) data frames have the same name in the map document, MapServer adds a distinctive number at the end of the second name. E.g. Layers and Layers2.

IMapServerInfo.StandaloneTableDescriptions Property

Standalone tables descriptions that can passed in to other methods.

Public ReadOnly Property StandaloneTableDescriptions As IStandaloneTableDescriptions
public IStandaloneTableDescriptions StandaloneTableDescriptions {get;}

IMapServerInfo.StandaloneTableInfos Property

Standalone tables infromation in a given map.

Public ReadOnly Property StandaloneTableInfos As IStandaloneTableInfos
public IStandaloneTableInfos StandaloneTableInfos {get;}

Classes that implement IMapServerInfo

Classes Description
MapServerInfo The Map Server Info coclass provides read-only information about a map.

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