IMapTableInfo Interface

Provides access to the Table Info.


Name Description
Read-only property DisplayField Primary display field.
Read-only property Fields Array of attribute fields contained in the table.
Read-only property HasAttachments Indicates if the layer has attachments.
Read-only property HasSubtype Indicates if the layer has Subtype.
Read-only property HTMLPopupType Indicates if the layer has HTML popups enabled.
Read-only property ID The table ID. This is a unique ID among layers and tables, and is used to identify the table in a number of methods.
Read-only property Name Descriptive name of the table.
Read-only property OIDFieldName The name of the OID Field.
Read-only property RelateInfos Array of relates associated to the table.

IMapTableInfo.DisplayField Property

Primary display field.

Public ReadOnly Property DisplayField As String
public string DisplayField {get;}


When DisplayExpression is used in the source map document, MapServer returns the first field used in the expression.

IMapTableInfo.Fields Property

Array of attribute fields contained in the table.

Public ReadOnly Property Fields As IFields
public IFields Fields {get;}


Note: ObjectID field is always included even when the field is invisible in the source map document.

IMapTableInfo.HasAttachments Property

Indicates if the layer has attachments.

Public ReadOnly Property HasAttachments As Boolean
public bool HasAttachments {get;}

IMapTableInfo.HasSubtype Property

Indicates if the layer has Subtype.

Public ReadOnly Property HasSubtype As Boolean
public bool HasSubtype {get;}


Note: in case when the subtype field name is invisible in the source map document, HasSubtype will return False even though the layer has Subtypes.

IMapTableInfo.HTMLPopupType Property

Indicates if the layer has HTML popups enabled.

Public ReadOnly Property HTMLPopupType As esriServerHTMLPopupType
public esriServerHTMLPopupType HTMLPopupType {get;}


StandaloneTable does not support HTMLPopup

IMapTableInfo.ID Property

The table ID. This is a unique ID among layers and tables, and is used to identify the table in a number of methods.

Public ReadOnly Property ID As Integer
public int ID {get;}

IMapTableInfo.Name Property

Descriptive name of the table.

Public ReadOnly Property Name As String
public string Name {get;}

IMapTableInfo.OIDFieldName Property

The name of the OID Field.

Public ReadOnly Property OIDFieldName As String
public string OIDFieldName {get;}

IMapTableInfo.RelateInfos Property

Array of relates associated to the table.

Public ReadOnly Property RelateInfos As IRelateInfos
public IRelateInfos RelateInfos {get;}


In order for MapServer to advertise a relationship, both source and destination layer/standalone table must be added to the source map document. For example, Layer A is related to Table B in the GeoDatabase; Layer A is added to the map while Table B is not, in this scenario, MapServer will not publicize this relationship and therefore QueryRelatedRows function cannot be used to get related row(s) for feature from Layer A.

Example: Printing a list of all relates a layer or table is participating

IRelateInfos pRIs = null; 

IRelateInfo pRI = null;

pRIs = pMTI.RelateInfos;

if (pRIs == null) 


    Console.WriteLine("No relationship is available"); 



for (int j = 0; j < pRIs.Count; j++)


    pRI = pRIs.get_Element(j);

    Console.WriteLine(pRI.Name + ", " + pRI.RelationshipID + ", " + pRI.RelatedTableID);


Classes that implement IMapTableInfo

Classes Description
MapLayerInfo The Map Layer Info coclass provides read-only information about a layer in a map.

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