IMapTableTimeDescription Interface

Provides access to time properties of a LayerDescription.


Name Description
Read/write property TimeDataCumulative Draw the data cumulatively from the first instance of time in data as time progresses.
Read/write property TimeOffset Draw time offset to overlay the data on a earlier or later time span.
Read/write property TimeOffsetUnits Draw time offset units.
Read/write property UseTime Indicates whether use time for display.

IMapTableTimeDescription.TimeDataCumulative Property

Draw the data cumulatively from the first instance of time in data as time progresses.

Public Property TimeDataCumulative As Boolean
public bool TimeDataCumulative {get; set;}

IMapTableTimeDescription.TimeOffset Property

Draw time offset to overlay the data on a earlier or later time span.

Public Property TimeOffset As Double
public double TimeOffset {get; set;}

IMapTableTimeDescription.TimeOffsetUnits Property

Draw time offset units.

Public Property TimeOffsetUnits As esriTimeUnits
public esriTimeUnits TimeOffsetUnits {get; set;}

IMapTableTimeDescription.UseTime Property

Indicates whether use time for display.

Public Property UseTime As Boolean
public bool UseTime {get; set;}


When UseTime is set to False, the layer or table becomes time unaware and time related operations will ignore any time related settings on this layer or table. For example, when UseTime=False for a layer, ExportMapImage will draw all features from this layer even when IMapTimeDescription's TimeValue is set.

Classes that implement IMapTableTimeDescription

Classes Description
LayerDescription The Layer Description coclass contains settings of a layer in a map.
StandaloneTableDescription The StandaloneTable Description coclass contains settings of a standalone table in a map.


Please note that the following properties only honored in ExportMapImage and Identify****operations:

  • UseTime
  • TimeDataCumulative
  • TimeOffset
  • TimeOffsetUnits

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