IRelateDescription Interface

Provides access to the RelateDescription Interface.


Name Description
Read/write property GeometryResultOptions Indicates whether we need to modify Geometry.
Read/write property GeoTransformation Geo transformation required to transform the geometry if the requested GCS is different from the source.
Read/write property IncludeGeometry Indicates whether we should include Geometry.
Read/write property OutputSpatialReference Spatial reference of the output geometry in the related records.
Read/write property OutputTimeReference Output time reference for the time fields.
Read/write property RelatedTableDefinitionExpression Definition expression of the related table for which related records are being requested.
Read/write property RelatedTableFields Table fields that need to be returned as a part of the relate results.
Read/write property RelationshipID Relationship ID that uniquely idenentifies a relate to a table.
Read/write property ResultFormat Result format that indicates the type of content in the result.

IRelateDescription.GeometryResultOptions Property

Indicates whether we need to modify Geometry.

Public Property GeometryResultOptions As IGeometryResultOptions
public IGeometryResultOptions GeometryResultOptions {get; set;}


GeometryResultOptions can be used to generalize or densify geometry of related features. When a geometry is need to flash or highlight those features, you may consider reducing number of vertices in those returned geometry by generalizing which will improve the performance. Some time a feature may be made of arc(s), in case the client application can�t process those arcs, geometry can be densified to return geometry made of a series of vertices.

IRelateDescription.GeoTransformation Property

Geo transformation required to transform the geometry if the requested GCS is different from the source.

Public Property GeoTransformation As IGeoTransformation
public IGeoTransformation GeoTransformation {get; set;}

IRelateDescription.IncludeGeometry Property

Indicates whether we should include Geometry.

Public Property IncludeGeometry As Boolean
public bool IncludeGeometry {get; set;}


IncludeGeometry flags whether records from a related layer will contain geometry. Unless you need geometry, setting is false will improve the performance.

IRelateDescription.OutputSpatialReference Property

Spatial reference of the output geometry in the related records.

Public Property OutputSpatialReference As ISpatialReference
public ISpatialReference OutputSpatialReference {get; set;}

IRelateDescription.OutputTimeReference Property

Output time reference for the time fields.

Public Property OutputTimeReference As ITimeReference
public ITimeReference OutputTimeReference {get; set;}

IRelateDescription.RelatedTableDefinitionExpression Property

Definition expression of the related table for which related records are being requested.

Public Property RelatedTableDefinitionExpression As String
public string RelatedTableDefinitionExpression {get; set;}


In case your related StandaloneTable/layer has definition expression and you want that to be honored, or you want to restrict your search within a subset of the related StandaloneTable/layer, you need to explicitly set that to this property. You may get the default definition expression set to that layer/StandaloneTable in the source document from IMapTableDescription::DefinitionExpression.

For example, LayerA is related to TableB. Records in that table in the source map document restricted not to include information beyond 1990 [i.e. "Year" <= 1990]. If RelatedTableDefinitionExpression is not set, the related results may contain information beyond 1990.

When this property is empty, the search will be performed on all the records/features on the StandaloneTable/layer.

IRelateDescription.RelatedTableFields Property

Table fields that need to be returned as a part of the relate results.

Public Property RelatedTableFields As String
public string RelatedTableFields {get; set;}


Pass in �*� to RelatedTableFields if you want to have all visible fields returned, or specify a list of field name if you want a subset of field list. You may get the list of all visible fields from IMapTableInfo::Fields. It throws exception when the field list contains an invalid field name or invisible field name.

IRelateDescription.RelationshipID Property

Relationship ID that uniquely idenentifies a relate to a table.

Public Property RelationshipID As Integer
public int RelationshipID {get; set;}


A unique id for a relationship between the source and destination table/layer. You may get this from IRelateInfo::RelationshipID.

IRelateDescription.ResultFormat Property

Result format that indicates the type of content in the result.

Public Property ResultFormat As esriRelateResultFormat
public esriRelateResultFormat ResultFormat {get; set;}

Classes that implement IRelateDescription

Classes Description
RelateDescription A colcass that describes a relate for QueryRelatedRows.

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