ISQLSyntaxInfo Interface

Provides access to the SQL Syntax Info Interface.

When To Use

Use ISQLSyntaxInfo to access information regarding the SQL functionality for the DBMS underlying a map layer.


Name Description
Read-only property DelimitedIdentifierCase Indicates whether DBMS's quoted identifiers are case sensitive.
Read-only property FunctionNames DBMS dependent SQL function names.
Read-only property IdentifierCase Indicates whether DBMS's identifiers are case sensitive.
Read-only property InvalidCharacters The list of invalid characters used in literals (if any).
Read-only property InvalidStartingCharacters The list of invalid starting characters used in literals (if any).
Read-only property Keywords The list of DBMS specific reserved keywords.
Read-only property SpecialCharacters Special DBMS dependent SQL characters.
Read-only property StringComparisonCase Indicates whether string comparisons are case sensitive.
Read-only property SupportedClauses Supported SQL clauses.
Read-only property SupportedPredicates Supported SQL predicates.

ISQLSyntaxInfo.DelimitedIdentifierCase Property

Indicates whether DBMS's quoted identifiers are case sensitive.

Public ReadOnly Property DelimitedIdentifierCase As Boolean
public bool DelimitedIdentifierCase {get;}

ISQLSyntaxInfo.FunctionNames Property

DBMS dependent SQL function names.

Public ReadOnly Property FunctionNames As IPropertySet
public IPropertySet FunctionNames {get;}

ISQLSyntaxInfo.IdentifierCase Property

Indicates whether DBMS's identifiers are case sensitive.

Public ReadOnly Property IdentifierCase As Boolean
public bool IdentifierCase {get;}

ISQLSyntaxInfo.InvalidCharacters Property

The list of invalid characters used in literals (if any).

Public ReadOnly Property InvalidCharacters As String
public string InvalidCharacters {get;}

ISQLSyntaxInfo.InvalidStartingCharacters Property

The list of invalid starting characters used in literals (if any).

Public ReadOnly Property InvalidStartingCharacters As String
public string InvalidStartingCharacters {get;}

ISQLSyntaxInfo.Keywords Property

The list of DBMS specific reserved keywords.

Public ReadOnly Property Keywords As IStringArray
public IStringArray Keywords {get;}

ISQLSyntaxInfo.SpecialCharacters Property

Special DBMS dependent SQL characters.

Public ReadOnly Property SpecialCharacters As IPropertySet
public IPropertySet SpecialCharacters {get;}

ISQLSyntaxInfo.StringComparisonCase Property

Indicates whether string comparisons are case sensitive.

Public ReadOnly Property StringComparisonCase As Boolean
public bool StringComparisonCase {get;}

ISQLSyntaxInfo.SupportedClauses Property

Supported SQL clauses.

Public ReadOnly Property SupportedClauses As IStringArray
public IStringArray SupportedClauses {get;}

ISQLSyntaxInfo.SupportedPredicates Property

Supported SQL predicates.

Public ReadOnly Property SupportedPredicates As IStringArray
public IStringArray SupportedPredicates {get;}

Classes that implement ISQLSyntaxInfo

Classes Description
SQLSyntaxInfo The SQL Syntax Info coclass supplies information about SQL functionality.


The members of the ISQLSyntaxInfo interface provide information regarding the SQL functionality for the DBMS underlying a map layer.

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