ITileCacheInfo Interface

Provides access to members that provide the tile cache info.

When To Use

Using the tiling scheme information in the TileCacheInfo object the client can calculate the tiles that cover any rectangular extent in map space and then retrieve tiles either directly from the virtual directory, or from the tile handler or by making GetMapTile or GetLayerTile requests against the map service.


Name Description
Method ComputeResolutions Computes resolutions from scales and current DPI.
Method ComputeScales Computes scales from resolutions and current DPI.
Read/write property Dpi The tiling DPI.
Read/write property LODInfos The tile cache Levels Of Details.
Read/write property Origin The tiling origin.
Read/write property SpatialReference The tiling spatial reference.
Read/write property TileCols The number of columns per tile.
Read/write property TileRows The number of rows per tile.

ITileCacheInfo.ComputeResolutions Method

Computes resolutions from scales and current DPI.

Public Sub ComputeResolutions ( _
public void ComputeResolutions (

ITileCacheInfo.ComputeScales Method

Computes scales from resolutions and current DPI.

Public Sub ComputeScales ( _
public void ComputeScales (

ITileCacheInfo.Dpi Property

The tiling DPI.

Public Property Dpi As Integer
public int Dpi {get; set;}

ITileCacheInfo.LODInfos Property

The tile cache Levels Of Details.

Public Property LODInfos As ILODInfos
public ILODInfos LODInfos {get; set;}

ITileCacheInfo.Origin Property

The tiling origin.

Public Property Origin As IPoint
public IPoint Origin {get; set;}


The tiling origin is in map space, and it is the same for all levels of detail (LODs).

ITileCacheInfo.SpatialReference Property

The tiling spatial reference.

Public Property SpatialReference As ISpatialReference
public ISpatialReference SpatialReference {get; set;}

ITileCacheInfo.TileCols Property

The number of columns per tile.

Public Property TileCols As Integer
public int TileCols {get; set;}

ITileCacheInfo.TileRows Property

The number of rows per tile.

Public Property TileRows As Integer
public int TileRows {get; set;}

Classes that implement ITileCacheInfo

Classes Description

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