Learn how to find an address near a location.
Reverse geocoding is the process of converting a location to an address or place. To reverse geocode, you use the Geocoding service and the reverse
operation. This operation requires an initial location and returns an address with attributes such as place name and location.
In this tutorial, you use the reverse
method of ArcGIS REST JS to reverse geocode and find the closest address to your clicked location on the map.
An ArcGIS Location Platform or ArcGIS Online account.
Get the starter app
Select a type of authentication below and follow the steps to create a new application.
Set up authentication
Create developer credentials in your portal for the type of authentication you selected.
Set developer credentials
Use the API key or OAuth developer credentials so your application can access location services.
Add references
This tutorial uses ArcGIS REST JS for reverse geocoding, and the ol-popup library to display pop-ups.
In the
element, add references to the ArcGIS REST JS and ol-popup libraries.> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/ol@v10.4.0/ol.css" type="text/css" /> <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/ol@v10.4.0/dist/ol.js"></script> <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/ol-mapbox-style@12.3.5/dist/olms.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="https://unpkg.com/@esri/arcgis-rest-request@4/dist/bundled/request.umd.js"></script> <script src="https://unpkg.com/@esri/arcgis-rest-geocoding@4/dist/bundled/geocoding.umd.js"></script> <script src="https://unpkg.com/ol-popup@5.1.1/dist/ol-popup.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/ol-popup@5.1.1/src/ol-popup.css" />
Update the map
A navigation basemap layer is typically used in geocoding and routing applications. Update the basemap layer to use arcgis/navigation
Update the basemap and the map initialization to center on location
, Paris.<script> /* Use for API key authentication */ const accessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"; // or /* Use for user authentication */ // const session = await arcgisRest.ArcGISIdentityManager.beginOAuth2({ // clientId: "YOUR_CLIENT_ID", // Your client ID from OAuth credentials // redirectUri: "YOUR_REDIRECT_URI", // The redirect URL registered in your OAuth credentials // portal: "YOUR_PORTAL_URL" // Your portal URL // }) // const accessToken = session.token; const map = new ol.Map({ target: "map" }); const view = new ol.View({ center: ol.proj.fromLonLat([2.3522, 48.8566]), // Paris zoom: 12 }); map.setView(view); const basemapId = "arcgis/navigation"; olms.apply(map, `https://basemapstyles-api.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services/styles/v2/styles/${basemapId}?token=${accessToken}`).then(() => { // Add Esri attribution // Learn more in https://esriurl.com/attribution const source = map.getLayers().item(0).getSource(); source.setAttributions("Powered by <a href='https://www.esri.com/en-us/home' target='_blank'>Esri</a> | ") }); </script>
Add a pop-up
Create a Popup
to display the results of the reverse geocode. It is a type of Overlay
so you add it to the map with map.add
Create a
and save it to apopup
variable. Add it to the map withmap.add
.Overlay const view = new ol.View({ center: ol.proj.fromLonLat([2.3522, 48.8566]), // Paris zoom: 12 }); map.setView(view); const popup = new Popup(); map.addOverlay(popup);
Add click event handler
Before you call the reverse geocoding service, you need the location of the clicked point. Use ol.proj.transform
to convert this into a latitude and longitude.
Add a click handler to the map. Inside, convert the clicked coordinates from the event object into latitude and longitude.
const popup = new Popup(); map.addOverlay(popup); map.on("click", (e) => { const coords = ol.proj.transform(e.coordinate, "EPSG:3857", "EPSG:4326"); });
Call reverse geocode service
Use the ArcGIS REST JS reverse
method to find an address closest to a point.
Inside the click handler, create a new
to access the geocoding service. Call theRest. Api Key Manager arcgis
method with the coordinates array.Rest.reverse Geocode const coords = ol.proj.transform(e.coordinate, "EPSG:3857", "EPSG:4326"); const authentication = arcgisRest.ApiKeyManager.fromKey(accessToken); arcgisRest .reverseGeocode(coords, { authentication })
Display the result
The response from the reverse
operation contains two properties. address
is a structured object with fields such as street name and business name. location
contains the location of the returned address, which may differ from the coordinates you provided. Display these values in a pop-up. Use a catch
handler to check for errors accessing the service.
Add a
handler. Usepopup.show
to display the resulting address and coordinates.arcgisRest .reverseGeocode(coords, { authentication }) .then((result) => { const message = `${result.address.LongLabel}<br>` + `${result.location.x.toLocaleString()}, ${result.location.y.toLocaleString()}`; popup.show(e.coordinate, message); })
Add a
handler. In most cases, errors occur when the user clicks in the water, so simply hide the pop-up when this happens. Usepopup.hide()
to remove the pop-up and then write the error to the console.popup.show(e.coordinate, message); }) .catch((error) => { popup.hide(); console.error(error); });
Run the app
Run the app.
Click on the map to reverse geocode the clicked point and display a pop-up with the closest address and coordinates.What's next?
Learn how to use additional ArcGIS location services in these tutorials: