Integrate ArcGIS apps

Learn how to integrate ArcGIS apps in a single web app using .

Use ArcGIS Experience Builder to integrate your ArcGIS apps into one seamless user experience.

Integrating ArcGIS apps using ArcGIS Experience Builder gives you the ability to create a seamless user experience, share data, and perform enhanced data analyses.

In this tutorial, you will learn to integrate web apps created with , , and into a single created with ArcGIS Experience Builder.



For this tutorial, you will use the publicly available:

Create a web app

You will create a new using a and add three new pages.

  1. After logging into your ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise account, go to ArcGIS Experience Builder.

  2. Click Create new on the top right corner of the page.

  3. Click Create on the Blank fullscreen template.

  4. Rename the page to: Dashboard.

  5. Enable Header in the page configuration panel on the right side of the screen.

  6. Hover over the header in the canvas and click Edit header.

  7. Click on the Choose a header template icon.

  8. From the left-panel, scroll down to Page elements section and find the Text widget. Drag it to the header where it says Drag a widget here.

  9. Change the text to Integrate ArcGIS Apps with Experience Builder and set the size to 20 px. Resize it as needed.

  10. In the left-panel, click the Page icon to go to the Page section.

  11. In the Page section of the builder, hover over Dashboard and click > Duplicate.

  12. Rename the new page to Instant Apps.

  13. Make another copy of the page and rename the new page to StoryMaps.

  14. Go back to the Dashboard page and hover over the header. Click Edit header.

  15. From the left-panel, scroll down to Menu and toolbars section and find the Menu widget. Drag it to the header under the Integrate ArcGIS Apps with Experience Builder text.

  16. In the configuration panel of the Menu page on the right side of the screen, select Pills from the Style selection. The Menu widget will then display three buttons which corresponds to the three pages created.

  17. Resize and adjust the widget as needed.

  18. Click the Save icon on the top panel.

You now have a single web application ready to be integrated with other ArcGIS apps.

Embed a dashboard

Using the Embed widget, you can embed a in an web application.

  1. Make sure you are on the Dashboard page of your application.

  2. From the left-panel, scroll down to Page elements section and find the Embed widget. Drag it to the body section of the page where it says Or drag a widget here.

  3. In another tab or window, navigate to the item page of the Santa Monica Trails dashboard.

  4. Click Copy in the URL section to copy the URL of the dashboard.

  5. Paste the dashboard URL you just copied in the provided text box of the Embed widget. Resize the widget as needed.

  6. Click the Save icon on the top panel. Then, preview the application to see the embedded dashboard.

You now have an actual ArcGIS Dashboard embedded in your web application.

Embed an instant app

Using the Embed widget, you can also embed an in an Experience Builder web application.

  1. Make sure you are on the Instant Apps page of your application.

  2. From the left-panel, scroll down to Page elements section and find the Embed widget. Drag it to the body section of the page where it says Or drag a widget here.

  3. In another tab or window, navigate to the item page of the Santa Monica Trails Instant App.

  4. Click Copy in the URL section to copy the URL of the instant app.

  5. Paste the instant app URL you just copied in the provided text box of the Embed widget. Resize the widget as needed.

  6. Click the Save icon on the top panel. Then, preview the application to see the embedded dashboard.

You now have an ArcGIS Instant App embedded in your web application.

Embed a story

Using the Embed widget, you can also embed a in an Experience Builder web application.

  1. Make sure you are on the StoryMaps page of your application.

  2. From the left-panel, scroll down to Page elements section and find the Embed widget. Drag it to the body section of the page where it says Or drag a widget here.

  3. In another tab or window, navigate to the item page of the Los Angeles Parks and Trails Story.

  4. Paste the story URL you just copied in the provided text box of the Embed widget. Resize the widget as needed.

  5. Click the Save icon on the top panel. Then, preview the application to see the embedded dashboard.

You now have a web app that contains three ArcGIS apps embedded and should look something like this.


Your browser is no longer supported. Please upgrade your browser for the best experience. See our browser deprecation post for more details.

You can no longer sign into this site. Go to your ArcGIS portal or the ArcGIS Location Platform dashboard to perform management tasks.

Your ArcGIS portal

Create, manage, and access API keys and OAuth 2.0 developer credentials, hosted layers, and data services.

Your ArcGIS Location Platform dashboard

Manage billing, monitor service usage, and access additional resources.

Learn more about these changes in the What's new in Esri Developers June 2024 blog post.
