Introduction to app builders

, , , and allow you to build many different types of web applications. All greatly simplify the process of creating web apps with mapping, analysis, and data-driven functionality. This section provides a comparison of the builders, product support, capabilities, and some of the key features to consider when selecting a builder.

ArcGIS app builders

Common features

Some of the common features supported by all app builders include the following:

  • Interactive interfaces: The builder interfaces are designed to be user-friendly and accessible for all levels of developers. They provide a drag-and-drop interface that simplifies the process of creating custom applications.

  • Pre-built components: All of the builders provide pre-built components and templates that you can start from instead of writing code from scratch.

  • Configurable: Each builder provides a range of configuration options, allowing you to create an application that meets your specific requirements. You can customize everything from the interface to the functionality.

  • Integration with ArcGIS: The builders integrate seamlessly with products and technologies, allowing you to take advantage of a range of pre-existing tools, content, and data.

  • Web hosting: All web applications created by the builders are hosted and managed in ArcGIS.

  • Security and sharing: All web applications created by the builders support security and can be shared with a group, shared publicly, or not shared.

Products and availability

The table below lists the ArcGIS products that support app builders.

ArcGIS Instant Apps
ArcGIS Dashboards
ArcGIS StoryMaps
ArcGIS Experience Builder
Full supportPartial supportNo support

    Functionality and capabilities

    The table below lists the supported capabilities of each app builder.

    ArcGIS Instant AppsArcGIS DashboardsArcGIS StoryMapsArcGIS Experience Builder
    Web apps
    Native apps
    Developer edition
    Pre-configured templates
    Pre-built widgets
    Drag-and-drop UX
    ArcGIS Online deployment
    ArcGIS Enterprise deployment
    On-premise web server deployment
    Custom templates
    Custom widgets
    OAuth 2.0
    Full supportPartial supportNo support

      Location service support

      The table below lists that can be accessed by builder templates or widgets.

      ArcGIS Instant AppsArcGIS DashboardsArcGIS StoryMapsArcGIS Experience Builder
      Basemap layer service
      Geocoding service
      Routing service
      GeoEnrichment service
      Spatial analysis service
      Geometry service
      Elevation service
      Hydrology service
      Offline packaging service
      Full supportPartial supportNo support

        Mobile support

        , , and are designed to be mobile-responsive where apps will adjust to the different screen sizes they are being viewed on. Meanwhile, mobile-optimized apps built using are designed and configured specifically for viewing and use on mobile devices.

        The table below lists mobile support for each app builder.

        ArcGIS Instant AppsArcGIS DashboardsArcGIS StoryMapsArcGIS Experience Builder
        Responsive on all screen sizes
        Resizing media for all screen sizes
        Auto position content to fit all screen sizes
        Improved page loading performance
        Enhanced clickable areas for increased usability
        Unique layout and user experience for each screen size
        Full supportPartial supportNo support

          Your browser is no longer supported. Please upgrade your browser for the best experience. See our browser deprecation post for more details.

          You can no longer sign into this site. Go to your ArcGIS portal or the ArcGIS Location Platform dashboard to perform management tasks.

          Your ArcGIS portal

          Create, manage, and access API keys and OAuth 2.0 developer credentials, hosted layers, and data services.

          Your ArcGIS Location Platform dashboard

          Manage billing, monitor service usage, and access additional resources.

          Learn more about these changes in the What's new in Esri Developers June 2024 blog post.
