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What's new in Version 3.23

Support for Geometry operations in Arcade

Arcade expressions now support geometry operations that allow you to perform overlay, proximity, topological relationship testing, and measurement operations. We added the Create a Geofence with Arcade sample to demonstrate how to use some of these functions in a renderer and popup.

Geofence with Arcade expressions

Please keep in mind that Arcade expressions execute for each feature. Thus, using multiple geometry operations within the context of the labeling and visualization profiles can be expensive and severely impact the performance of the application. Also note that geometries fetched from feature services, especially polylines and polygons, are generalized according to the view's scale resolution. Be aware that using a feature's geometry (i.e. Geometry($feature)) as input to this function will yield results only as precise as the view scale. Therefore, results returned from geometry operations in the visualization and labeling profiles may be different at each scale level. Use these functions at your discretion within these contexts.

Arcade geometry functions used in popups will always use the feature's full resolution geometry.

Arrow styles on SimpleLineSymbol

SimpleLineSymbol now supports displaying arrow markers on the beginning and/or ending vertices of a polyline.

: "arrow",
: "end"

Markers can be placed on line symbol end vertices

New locale: Slovenian

Version 3.23 adds support for Slovenian (sl) locale. See Localization topic for more information about using different locales.

Updated vector basemaps

The named vector basemaps have been updated to use the new v2 vector tile basemaps from Esri. This affects "dark-gray-vector", gray-vector", "streets-vector", "streets-night-vector", "streets-relief-vector", "streets-navigation-vector" and "topo-vector".

More detailed labelling for Bing hybrid

The Bing Maps Aerial with Labels (MAP_STYLE_AERIAL_WITH_LABELS) option in VETiledLayer have been updated to use the latest tile service from Microsoft.

API updates and enhancements

Bug fixes and enhancements

  • BUG-000107338: Fixed an issue where polygons would lose fill color at large scale levels when viewed in Mozilla Firefox.
  • ENH-000108717: Updated documentation to clarify that planar distances are used in the offset() method for both geometryEngine and geometryEngineAsync.
  • BUG-000108014 - Fixed broken WMTS - resource info sample.
  • BUG-000107513 - Fixed an issue where GraphicsLayer events would not fire properly using Mac OS Safari browser.
  • BUG-000106733 - Fixed an issue where FeatureLayers would inaccurately render polygon features generalized.
  • ENH-000108930 - Added a warning message when a browser attempts to load a VectorTileLayer that does not support WebGL.
  • BUG-000108150 - The Editor widget can now be instantiated when WMSLayer is present.
  • BUG-000109264 - Fixed an issue where some secured VectorTileLayers would not load properly if handled via a proxy file.

Additional packages

Version 3.23 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript include:

  • dgrid versions
    • dgrid version 1.2.1 (since version 3.22)
    • dgrid version 0.3.17 (since version 3.13)
      NOTE: If working with version 1.1.0, please reference the dgrid1 directory, whereas version 0.3.17 should reference the dgrid directory. Please refer to the dgrid 0.4 Migration Guide for additional information on migrating to the newer version.
  • Dojo version 1.13.0 (since version 3.23)
  • dstore version 1.1.2 (since version 3.22)
  • put-selector version 0.3.6 (since version 3.13)
  • xstyle version 0.3.2 (since version 3.17)

Additional Resources on GitHub

Use the repository on GitHub for the JS API TypeScript definitions.

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