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What's new in Version 3.22

Point Clustering

We added support for clustering point features in FeatureLayer and CSVLayer. Clustering is a method of aggregating point features so fewer of them display in the view. This can help reveal potential spatial patterns present in the data that might otherwise not be immediately apparent if displaying all points with the same symbol. For example, the image on the right clusters points based on a given amount of screen space, thus decluttering the view and providing a snapshot of where more features are located in relation to others.

No clusteringClustering

When a cluster is clicked, a popup appears, summarizing the features that comprise the cluster. Users are provided with the ability to browse individual features by clicking the Browse Features option at the bottom of the popup. This capability allows you to view popup information for individual features as well as their actual location on the map.

Click for sample

In the API, clustering is referred to as featureReduction. Each of the supported layer types allows the developer to set featureReduction options in the constructor. They may also be set via the setFeatureReduction() method of the layer.

: "cluster",
: 60  // the pixel radius for determining which features belong in each cluster

Note that featureReduction is a property of the layer, not the renderer. That means that any renderer (with the exception of HeatmapRenderer), retains its visualization properties on the layer even when clustering is enabled. If you set a renderer with a colorInfo visual variable on a layer, for example, and enable clustering, then the clusters will average the numeric value driving the color visualization and shade the clusters based on the average value. The popup will then display a summary of the features based on the given renderer field. Size, opacity, and rotation visual variables are handled in the same manner.

Click for sample

In the case of UniqueValueRenderer, each cluster will be shaded with the color representing the predominant value among the features comprising the cluster.

The following are new samples demonstrating feature reduction:

Support for feature reduction is limited to the following scenarios:

  • Point data in FeatureLayer (from service or FeatureCollection) and CSVLayer.
  • The map must have a spatial reference of Web Mercator or WGS84.
  • If the layer contains more than 50,000 features, then only the first 50,000 will be clustered.
  • A FeatureLayer created from a service URL must point to a service that supports pagination (ArcGIS Server version 10.3.1 or higher).
  • When editing is initiated with the Editor widget, then feature reduction is disabled until the Editor widget is destroyed.
  • Feature reduction is disabled when the layer has one of the following renderers: HeatmapRenderer, BlendRenderer, TemporalRenderer, or ScaleDependentRenderer.

API updates and enhancements

Bug fixes and enhancements

  • BUG-000105873: Legend now displays the description instead of code when symbolizing attributes with coded domains.
  • BUG-000107120: Fixed an issue where the Print widget would fail if a PictureMarkerSymbol's JSON did not include either imageData or url properties.
  • Fixed an issue where transparency was not honored in map service sublayers.
  • Fixed an issue where a StreamLayer would disconnect from a service if a query to a corresponding feature service was cancelled.
  • Fixed an issue where WebTiledLayer missing an LOD for level 0 wouldn't display in Chrome browser. This was an issue for some tianditu.com layers.

Additional packages

Version 3.22 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript include:

  • dgrid versions
    • dgrid version 1.2.1 (since version 3.22)
    • dgrid version 0.3.17 (since version 3.13)
      NOTE: If working with version 1.1.0, please reference the dgrid1 directory, whereas version 0.3.17 should reference the dgrid directory. Please refer to the dgrid 0.4 Migration Guide for additional information on migrating to the newer version.
  • Dojo version 1.12.2 (since version 3.21)
  • dstore version 1.1.2 (since version 3.22)
  • put-selector version 0.3.6 (since version 3.13)
  • xstyle version 0.3.2 (since version 3.17)

Additional Resources on GitHub

Use the repository on GitHub for the JS API TypeScript definitions.

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