Filter data in a dashboard

Learn how to filter data in .

Esri regional offices dashboard with filtering capabilities.

provides several options for filtering data that you can use to display specific data in a . Here's an overview of how you can use ArcGIS Dashboards to create your own filter:

  1. Load a using the Dashboards map .

  2. Create a category selector element to filter data.

  3. Set actions in the category selector element to sync with the map.



For this tutorial, you will use the publicly available DS2023 - Regional Offices web map.

Create a dashboard

Now that you have a , you can create a dashboard to load it.

  1. In the Content tab of your organization, click Create app > Dashboards.

  2. In the Create new dashboard window, name the app Esri Regional Offices and add your desired tags.

  3. Click Create dashboard.

Load the web map

You can now load the web map into your dashboard.

  1. In the left-panel, click Add element > Map to add a map element to your dashboard.

  2. Click on Shared maps tab.

  3. In the Search bar, type the following: DS2023 - Regional Offices published by mtorrey_devlabs and select it.

  4. Click Done in the DS2023 - Regional Offices configuration window.

  5. In the left-panel, click Save > Save to save your work.

Create category selector

  1. In the left-panel, click View.

  2. Click Header > Done. This will give a title to your category selector window, which defaults to the dashboard title.

  3. Click Add selector > Category selector.

  4. In the Category selector settings window, click Features under the Categories from menu.

  5. Select the Esri Regional Offices US layer.

  6. In the left-panel, click on the Selector tab and set the following:

    • Enable Dropdown in Presentation mode

    • Enable Single in Selection

    • Enable Compact in Maximum height

  7. In the left-panel, click on the Actions tab and set the following:

    • Enable DS2023 - Regional Offices in Flash settings.

    • Enable DS2023 - Regional Offices in Show pop-up settings.

    • Enable DS2023 - Regional Offices in Pan settings.

    • Enable DS2023 - Regional Offices in Zoom settings.

  8. Click Done.

  9. In the left-panel, click Save > Save to save your work.

Now, when a user clicks on an Esri office, the map element will flash, pan, zoom, and show the popup of that selected office. Your dashboard should look something like this.

Share the dashboard

  1. In the left-panel window, click the menu icon.

  2. Click Dashboard item details to view the item page of your dashboard.

  3. Click the Share button on the dashboard item page.

  4. Select the appropriate share level.

  5. Click Save.


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